Update has killed Web Extensions (Chrome & IE)

I installed latest update for Windows ( but can't access from Chrome or IE. In Chrome, I am directed to https://agilebits.com/browsers/auth.html with 6-digit code and this message: compare this code to 1Password" but no instructions on where this code is stored in 1Password. What do I do next?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I installed latest update for Windows ( but can't access from Chrome. I am directed to https://agilebits.com/browsers/auth.html with 6-digit code and this message: compare this code to 1Password" but no instructions on where this code is stored in 1Password. What do I do next?


  • parker2551
    Community Member

    OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    Chrome Version 53.0.2785.143 m
    Chrome Extension Version:
    IE Version: 11.0.9600.18449
    IE Extension: Unknown

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @parker2551: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion!

    Internet Explorer uses very old add-on technology, so it cannot connect to 1Password Helper. And similarly, since 1Password itself installs the IE add-on, there is no reason to authenticate. Chrome handles extensions itself though, and while it will update them automatically, how and when this is done is unpredictable; so the only way to ensure you get the latest version is to uninstall the old one and download the latest from the AgileBits website. Just follow these steps:

    1. Remove the 1Password extension from Firefox
    2. Complete any browser updates
    3. Restart Windows
    4. Install the 1Password browser extension

    At this point, when you use the extension, you should be presented with a webpage and also a prompt from 1Password. Just verify that the codes match, authorize the connection, and you should be all set. Let me know how it turns out! :)

  • parker2551
    Community Member

    Followed steps 1-4 but Chrome extension still prompts me to compare a code to 1Password.

    IMPORTANT: Where do I find the code in the 1Password application that I am supposed to compare and authorize? Please be as specific as possible as it is not obvious to me (and probably others as well).

    Thanks you.

  • @parker2551 A window with the code should pop up automatically. Can you check behind the browser window if something comes up? That's definitely an abnormality and we'll get to the bottom of the issue.

    Just in case: Which anti-malware software are you using?

  • parker2551
    Community Member

    A windows does not pop up and I can not locate such a window hidden behind any other application (I tested with only have Chrome and 1Password running).

    I use Microsoft security essentials.



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @parker2551: Thanks for following up. I'm sorry you're still having trouble! At this point, the best thing to do will be to generate a diagnostic report and send it to support+forums@agilebits.com so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Windows)

    Just be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • parker2551
    Community Member

    Today, the 1Password dialog box appeared when I logged onto my machine and open up Chrome. I suspect someone fixed something on the head end of 1Password. Hopefully this is no longer an issue. Stay tuned. In the meantime, thank you again for your time and help.

  • Hi @parker2551,

    We haven't changed anything here. Did you do a reboot? If yes, that may have helped.

  • parker2551
    Community Member

    I restart every day. However, I restarted my machine a half-dozen times over the past few days while trying to resolve the issue without success.

  • Hi @parker2551,

    Strange, we really haven't changed anything on our side for a few weeks now.

    For now, keep an eye on this and let us know if it changes.

This discussion has been closed.