1Password now launching new window

When I try and use 1Password after the most recent update and push the Firefox extension button, 1P now launches a new window https://agilebits.com/browsers/welcome.html and tries to play a youtube video. You have to close the window and go back to the original window and start over doing what you are doing.

Please, can I just access my passwords without this popup window?


  • Hi @lpf,

    Thanks for writing in. That's unusual and points to some piece of software on your PC is interfering with the communication between 1Password, the 1Password Helper (a necessary background application) and the browser extensions.
    The most common culprits are antivirus and firewall applications or the use of a proxy server.

    Can you please tell us which security software you're using and whether you're using a proxy server?



  • lpf
    Community Member

    kaspersky internet security 2016. No proxy server that I know of.

  • That's interesting. You're the third person this week telling us about something like this. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue with my installation of Kaspersky Internet Security but that doesn't necessarily rule it out.

    Can you please take your computer offline, disable the protection features in Kaspersky Internet Security temporarily, restart your browser, and click the 1Password browser extension button once again.

    Do you still see the new tab pop up?

  • lpf
    Community Member

    Yes, it still does it. Here is what I see when it's offline. Why does 1Password need to connect with your server prior to working? What data is it sending?

    I also discovered today its also doing this in Safari for Mac OSX! I have Kaspersky on the Mac as well.

  • Hey @lpf,

    1Password is not sending anything to the AgileBits servers. It is set to open the site when the 1Password browser extension fails to establish a connection with the 1Password application.

    Can you tell us if you're also using the Ghostery ad-blocking extension?


  • lpf
    Community Member

    Not on my Windows PC but yes on my Mac. Here are the plug-ins and add-ons on my PC.

  • Ah! Those are quite a few add-ons with the potential to cause issues.

    Can you please disable all add-ons except for 1Password, restart the browser, and check if it happens again?
    If it works, you can start reenabling one add-on after the other, restarting the browser each time, and check when it breaks again.

    If it doesn't work, even with all add-ons disabled, please let us know.



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