New passwords are not auto-generating on generate button click.

In the new release build of version 6 for Windows Desktop, if I create a new "Login" and then click the button next to the password field to get the Generate Options, it does not auto-populate a password. You must hit the "regenerate" button, which is illogical.

Props for saving default preferences for generated passwords, I had been hoping for that.

Also, is this the proper venue for bug reporting?

1Password Version: 6.1.272d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Individual


  • DouweAG
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    Thank you for taking the time to contact us and sharing your feedback.

    Pre-populating the password field may not necessarily work for everyone, however it is something we will re-examine to consider the most popular use case scenarios.

    Props for saving default preferences for generated passwords, I had been hoping for that.

    Thanks for the kudos. Our awesome development team are doing an amazing job of bringing 1Password into fruition, and I know the end results will really impress!

    Also, is this the proper venue for bug reporting?

    Whichever medium you prefer :) Although in saying that, email offers more facilities to add things such as screenshots or diagnostics reports which help tremendously.

    Thank you once again for your feedback. It's suggestions like yours that make 1Password grow from strength to strength :)

  • Brothernod
    Community Member

    What's the email address for submitting bugs? I'd like to be an active participant in improving a program I very much plan to use constantly.

  • DouweAG
    1Password Alumni

    @Brothernod We'll always welcome another set of eyes, so keep the information flowing :)

    This is our email address for all things related to 1Password for Windows:

    Thanks for your support, and for putting 1Password through its paces :)

This discussion has been closed.