Migrate from v4 to v6


When the final version of 1Password 6 for Windows is released, will 1Password 4 standalone customers be able to upgrade for free? I bought the combo Windows / Mac package.

While I like the online service, I'd rather keep my data on my servers and devices as the sync works perfectly.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • DouweAG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for reaching out and enquiring about 1Password 6 for Windows.

    1Password 6 for Windows has been built from the ground up, and to allow for a faster release cycle, the initial development efforts have been focused on implementing features to support 1Password accounts. Thus support for licenses will only be added at a later date which has not yet been determined. The cost of an update for existing users will only be solidified once development is complete. We will as always extend our gratitude to our loyal customer to show them our appreciation for their support.

    Needless to say our license platform has not been forgotten, merely placed on hold until we find our footing :) Every effort will be made to continue supporting licenses as that is where our roots lie.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions :)

  • Locke27
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    So let me get this straight. I've read these forums for a few days now because I recently heard about the change to the subscription model. In all of those posts the developers proclaimed that there would be no change for standalone license customers. That they wouldn't lose focus on them, because they only make one app.

    Many users showed concern that stand alone license holders would be left out in the cold with the subscription model because of companies consistently doing crap like this. You assured us that they would not. That we would get the same focus and support as users of the subscription service.

    So here we are, and 1Password 6 is released... only if you are a subscription user. If you're a user who prefers a non monthly fee license? "Will only be added at a later date not yet determined." You don't even have a date determined yet? How do you think that reassures license holders? Standalone licenses are ALREADY completely an afterthought.

    Until you find your footing? What are you even talking about? Why are you releasing an incomplete application? If "every effort" was being given you would have waited to release it until it had support for both users. This shows you have an obvious priority.

    Is this what we can expect from now on? Until support for individual licenses are removed entirely, of course. I can already see it. This was EXACTLY what long term users feared when you announced this subscription shift.

    First standalone license holders have to wait months before they get the latest updates. Then you will announce that it sucks too much time and focus developing for subscription users and licenses users. Then you will announce that it's moved to subscription only.

  • Hi @locke27,

    We're rolling this out in stages. If we decide to wait for a complete program, 1Password.com customers will be without a Windows program much longer and it would take us much longer to release a single app for both standalone and subscription customers.

    We do understand how this looks and we are going to add full local vaults support in a future update but for now, this is a limited build for 1Password.com customers who does not have a Windows app right now while current standalone customers do have a complete program in 1Password 4 for Windows, which is still being offered.

    1Password 6 is a new codebase and it is not possible to add support for both standalone and subscriptions at the same time, so we've decided to support 1Password.com data first and then add the local vaults afterward since 1Password 4 is still available for local vaults users.

  • chrisdoucette
    Community Member

    Thanks @DouweAG and @MikeT

    Looking forward to the release.


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Dear @chrisdoucette, thank you for understanding!
    If you have any other questions about 1Password, please ask them. This is what our forums for. :)


  • youngjm
    Community Member

    As a long-time user of 1Password on Mac who needs a version on windows like version 6, I am extremely disappointed at your delays for older users. We are the users who built your reputation by word of mouth. Some solid plans need to be published if you want us to continue to sing the praises of your software that has been earned.

    Subscription based software does not work for most users! Yes there are lots of people who do it for other programs but that is because there are not other options. Because there are no other options, developers convince themselves users like this model for software. Even Agilebits makes it hard to find the outright purchase options. I have said before that reasonable upgrade pricing is acceptable but you are abusing that goodwill by focusing so much your "accounts" model and a free upgrade may be necessary vs a reasonable charge could have been done yesterday!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @youngjm: We definitely won't charge for 1Password 6 licenses until it supports local vaults fully. And by then it will also have more of the features you'll expect coming from 1Password 4, which 1Password 6 does not yet have.

    There aren't any delays for existing users. On the contrary, license holders already have a mature native Windows app. Until recently, subscribers didn't have one at all. So now everyone does. But while 1Password 6 is coming along well, it's still missing things that we all want. This isn't zero sum. Subscribers using 1Password 6 aren't taking anything away from you. And all of the work we do on the new app will benefit you as well if you choose it in the future once it meets your requirements.

    All of this will work itself out in time. Or, rather, we'll work hard to make 1Password 6 great for everyone in the future. In the mean time, you continue to get everything you've paid for. Your license will never expire. And if and when you deem an upgrade worthy of your hard-earned money, only then do you need pay anything more. Just like it was up to us to make sure 1Password 4 provides a value for people, it's up to us to make sure that 1Password 6 does the same. That's our plan. :)

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