How can I restore a deleted item from the trash in v6?

While the website has a restore button for items in the trash, the final Windows version 6 App does not seem to offer this functionality (in fact, it offers a "Move to trash" option for items already in the trash...).

How can I restore deleted items in the Windows App? (without going to the website)

1Password Version: 6.1.272d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 1607 build 14393.321
Sync Type: Families


  • MikeT
    edited October 2016

    Hi @XIII,

    Thanks for writing in. Recovering from Trash or Emptying Trash are not yet implemented in 1Password 6 for Windows, you still need to use the web app for this.

    In addition, this isn't the final version either, it's our first stable update and we'll be shipping updates just as we have during the beta process to keep adding more features over time.

  • XIII
    Community Member

    Sorry, "final" is (indeed) a bad word choice; I meant "initial 6.0 release".

  • Hi @XIII,

    No worries but the initial 6.0 release will be a limited build, it won't have all of the features you expect to see compared to the web app and/or other 1Password versions. We will be shipping a lot of updates in the near future to implement all features.

  • XIII
    Community Member

    Ah, I just posted a question about the "limited" part in another discussion.

    I guess it's better to close this discussion here and follow up there? (if needed)

  • We'll leave it open for now and I'll reply to the other thread.

This discussion has been closed.