Still confused about transferring data from old free vault.

I'm still struggling transferring data from my old free google chrome vault into my newly created 1 Password account vault for windows. I've watched the video for transferring from a mac but I'm not seeing what was presented in the video. Do you have a video for transferring from windows google chrome into a new subscription account? I've also downloaded the app on my new iphone 7.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @DglS,

    We are here to help you with this process! :)

    We have a section of our migration guide dedicated to Windows customers. Please scroll down and look for "Windows +".

    Am I right to understand that you have been using 1Password 4 and now you want to move your data from a local vault to 1Password account? Once we set up 1Password on your Windows PC and migrate your data, we will move on to your new iPhone 7.

    Thanks in advance!


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