Have licenses coming out my ears (long time Mac, newer windows user). Trying to set up fresh install

I have been a long time 1Password user (I think my first license was v2 or 3 on the Mac, and have purchased every upgrade since). For many years, I was only on the Mac platform, but recently have been using Windows quite a bit more. Roughly a year ago, I purchased a license for Windows v4. Recently I had my hard drive fail, and did a new install from scratch. Downloaded v6 for Windows, and it looks like my stand alone v6 license should work on both platforms. However, I can not find anywhere in the windows v6 app to even enter a license key. Any help would be appreciated.

1Password Version: 6.1.272d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 pro
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MarkLT1: First of all, I'm sorry to hear that the hard drive died. Been there... :(

    It's good to hear from you, but I'm sorry about the circumstances, and the added confusion. Currently we have two very different Windows apps, and the with support for licenses and local vaults (in your case, syncing with Dropbox) is 1Password 4. Just download it from the main AgileBits site:

    1Password downloads

    Then you can enter your 1Password for Windows license key into the app. 1Password 6 does not yet support licenses and has only read-only support for local vaults (AgileKeychain and OPVault), so this is only needed for the 1Password.com subscription service (since 1Password 4 cannot support that).

    I hope this helps. Thanks so much for your long-time support! Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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