A self-hosted version of 1Password Teams

Community Member
edited October 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Perhaps the title is not the best. I'm terrible with that stuff. I've used 1Password since the beginning. I've always loved it, aside from it's aged interface, which I hear is being updated. What I would like to do is get other admins in our organization to start using it for credential storage/sharing. The Teams option would be a great, except we have 2 networks that are totally isolated from the internet. Is there any plans, or a workaround, where we'd have a self hosted database and web console?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Server 2012R2
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @captains1stm8,

    A self-hosted 1Password Teams is something we really want to do in the future and we keep reevaluating our plans as you're not the only want who wants this. Right now, this is not possible for you to work around, you will need the Internet access to the 1Password.com servers to share data.

    Just to be clear, 1Password 6 for Windows does download the data locally, so that you don't need constant Internet access, you can switch between networks without losing your data. Once you reconnect, it will push data to the servers to sync to others on the 1Password Teams account.

    How are you currently syncing files locally via both networks? If no iOS devices are involved, you could sync the local vault files with your own sync tool between both networks using 1Password 4.

    1Password 6, right now, only offers read-only support for local vaults but that will change in the future where it can offer full write/read support along with the ability to create new vaults.

  • captains1stm8
    Community Member

    I'm not currently able to use the desktop application at work, at all, because of the lack of internet. I use the desktop and iOS applications on my personal iphone and laptop. My networks at work never talk to the internet...ever. Patches for infrastructure are brought in through a single internet facing machine, off of the network, and then there is a whole security process for importing that data onto our network.

    Yes, please keep the conversation going. We know how great your products are, and I would love to be able to bring this into our environment.


  • MikeT
    edited October 2016

    Hi @captains1stm8,

    Wow, that sounds like you work at a \N_\S_\A-level facility.

    Would it be okay if we reach out to you via email to ask more questions about this? If yes, is your forum's email address the one to use?

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