TOTP for Microsoft Account invalid

I have a Microsoft account with TOTP enabled. I saved the TOTP on 1Password, and it used to work properly up until today. Now I have different codes (at the same time) on my iOS 1Password and on my 1Password 6 on Windows (same account on
The only thing that's different is the time on the devices (PC set to UTC+2 and phone to UTC+1)..

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @multiformeingegno,

    Thanks for writing in.
    You already found the cause of the issue: the clocks on both devices need to be set to the same time for this to work.

    Synchronise the time on both devices and you'll get the right codes.



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