1Password 6.1.272d - Secure Notes - Edit button effects nothing -i.e. it doesn't work

A secure note added in this same version (W10 6.1.272d) could not be edited after closing and reopening. Critical!

1Password Version: (W10 6.1.272d)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: W10 1607
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hi @vrl,

    Thanks for writing in.

    I notice you said you were using Dropbox, are you only using a local vault from Dropbox in 1Password 6? If so, editing/creating new items isn't possible for local vaults right now in 1Password 6 but full support is coming in the near future. You shouldn't be able to create a new item in this case, can you confirm if you did create it in 1Password 6 itself?

    If you're using a 1Password.com account, it should be able to edit it. I did what you said, it would let me edit the new Secure Note item after I save it and restart the 1Password app.

    Please let me know.

  • vrl
    Community Member

    As I'm using a mixed environment (Mac, iPad, iPhone, W10 Desktop, W10 Notebook) I'm need an environment that works NOW! 1Password4 on the PC worked fine. The looks didn't really matter.
    It is definitely a BIG NONO to disable 1Password4 by having it go looking for an upgrade and sitting there forever and not return!
    That means, I have to live with version 6. This is NOT professionell!
    To state "but full support is coming in the near future" is cynical - to release a new version that is capable of less than the previous version is something that I experienced only with Microsoft Products, some time ago.
    Need I say more?

  • MikeT
    edited October 2016

    Hi @vrl,

    We do apologize for any confusion. We have not disabled the updates for 1Password 4, there's a separate external issue that's affecting many of our sites but I'll explain more below; 1Password 4 is still the latest version for all standalone customers. You can find 1Password 4 for downloads here: https://www.agilebits.com/downloads. The latest version is

    There's a global certificate issue where a third party vendor has accidentally revoked an intermediate certificate that we use to secure some of our sites, including our app updates server. 1Password 4 uses a secure method to connect to our server but because of this revoked certificate, it cannot connect and hangs instead.

    According to the vendor, the cache for the invalid certificate takes about 4-5 days to reset. We'll hit that tomorrow and our expectation is that it will start to work fine for everyone. We are investigating for a potential workaround to prevent this from ever happening again in our apps.

    1Password 6 is not being offered as an upgrade to all 1Password 4 customers right now, it is limited to 1Password.com customers that doesn't have an app to use on Windows. We're rolling out 1Password 6 in stages as it is a new program that doesn't reuse any code, which means it's going to take some time to implement all features. For now, the first release/stage will be limited to 1Password.com Teams as mentioned in our blog post here. Both 1Password 4 and 6 will coexist for a while until we can get 1Password 6 to match or exceed 1Password 4's parity.

  • mattfitz
    Community Member

    Hi. I'm confused. I rebuilt my Windows 10 machine yesterday. 1Password 6 was the software version that was made available to me. I use Dropbox and cannot Add or Edit items. Why was I provided a version with reduced functionality?
    Do I need to uninstall 1Password 6 and track down 1Password 4? If so, where to I find the old version? Agh!!

  • Hi @mattfitz,

    Sorry for the confusion here. If you're using a 1Password vault synced via Dropbox, you should use 1Password 4.
    Right now, there's read access for local vaults in 1Password 6 for Windows. The app is aimed at users of 1Password.com accounts at the moment. Full read/write support for local vault will be added at a later date.

    You can find version 4 at https://agilebits.com/downloads

    I hope this helps!



  • boboman13
    Community Member

    I was having the same issue of not being able to edit items, having just installed 1p v6 to try it out. I didn't see anything in the documentation that mentioned this limitation for dropbox sync'ers. (granted I didn't read every word of documentation).

    I'll revert to v4 for now. Thanks forum!

  • Peter8
    Community Member

    Wow this is indeed really bad... :(

    I also had the issue with 1P 4 wating hours to look for updates. Then I was looking for updates myself and found 1P 6 and installed it.
    I now also face the issues mentioned here... WTF guys..

    This really sucks and leads to unnecessary work on my side. I don t have the time to read all changelogs :/

    So the only solution now is -> move back to 1P 4. Just great.

  • @boboman13 Thanks for letting us know that you found the solution to your issue.

    @Peter8 We're sorry for any hassle this has caused you. The update issue that was plaguing our users was out of our control, as Mike explained above. It should be fixed now, depending on whether the certificate caches have been updated for you.

    Moving back to 1Password 4 and uninstalling 1Password 6 will get you back to the state you were in before the issue occurred.

    If you guys have more questions, please let us know.



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