1Password hangs checking for new version.

Today when I tried to open the main 1Password window, it hung displaying a pop up window that said: Please wait while we check for a new version. The pop up had this in the title bar: 1Password (Not Responding). I did notice that the 1Password.exe process was consuming 1 core worth of CPU time, i.e., 25% on a 4 core CPU. After several minutes, the CPU usage dropped, but 1Password still did not respond.

When I tried to cancel, a Windows pop up occurred that said 1Password is not responding, the option are: close the program or Wait for program to respond. I found the following post that helped me workaround the problem.
1Password hangs as it checks for an update
I have not yet rebooted to see if this fixes (hides) the problem.

1Password Version: (19)
Extension Version: 4.6.1 (Mozilla Firefox)
OS Version: Win 7 6.1.7601 SP 1
Sync Type: WiFi Sync


  • jbmo
    Community Member

    I have the same problem. 1Password would not start on normal startup. As mentioned in the other post, I have to use the manual workaround of killing the process and manually opening with the option "-no-update". This occurs both with the latest version ( downloaded this evening as well as that I still had on my harddisk. I've tried to reinstall and reboot my computer already the umpteens time but to no avail. No I can't even install the Chrome extension since it tries to call 1Password that will hang on finding the update.

  • pir2
    Community Member

    Yes, I have the same problem too. The workaround suggested by the OP does work. But whenever I try to update the software, the same problem happens. My version of 1p is And it will probably remain so... since I can't update it.

  • pir2
    Community Member

    Ok... followed the rest of the advice. Updates 1p manually to I amnaged to update it, restarted my computer. But the problem persists. I still need to use the no-update shortcut to launch the exe... Please help?

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for the feedback! I am sorry you bumped into such troubles while using 1Password.

    We believe that this issue occurred because of a certificate issue with GlobalSign that affected a good number of websites. You can read more about this here. Could you please try to resolve it clearing the certificate cache on your PC? Here is an official guide on how to do that from GlobalSign.

    Please let us know how it goes, so we could lend a hand. Thanks in advance!


  • MikeT
    edited October 2016

    Hi guys,

    This should be resolved as the certificate issue with GlobalSign should be clear for everyone with their certificate cache expiring now. Please give it another try and it should work.

  • DoctorBrown
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    1Password is now starting normally for me. Although I might suggest that AgileBits look into why this web cert issue caused the update check to hang the whole shebang and code 1P to not hang in a case like this.

  • @DoctorBrown Thanks for letting us know that this works for you again.

    We're pretty sure about the root cause of the hang in 1Password and we'll take a very close look at this.
    The problem started with the certificate issue and the fact that 1Password won't accept any sort of update if it can't verify the source and the chain of trust.


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