Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password.

Community Member

After installing the latest update I get this screen:

"Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password."
(Six digit code)

How exactly do I do this?

I uninstalled and reinstalled the extension but this issue persists.

1Password Version: 6.3.4
Extension Version: 4.6.1
OS Version: macOS Sierra 10.12.1 Beta
Sync Type: Families



  • Hi @ryansebiz,

    I apologize for the trouble here. Please click on 1Password mini in your menubar and it should display the code. If it does not, please try giving your Mac a restart and see if that will allow it to show up. The authorization panel should be provided by 1Password mini.

  • jasoncorpus
    Community Member

    I had the same issue this morning for several hours. Drove me completely nuts. Please Agiltbits change the way that this operates. There is no guidance given to look at the Menu Bar in any way. And for those using Bartender or a similar program, we don't even see the menu bar icon.

  • ryansebiz
    Community Member

    @chrisdj As @jasoncorpus wrote I'm also a Bartender user and I didn't see the code from 1Password Mini.

    It wasn't until I read your reply about 1Password Mini that I opened Bartender and saw the 1Password Mini code.

    I recommend adding something like this to the code page in the browser:

    "Please click 1Password Mini for your code."

  • @ryansebiz @jasoncorpus Thanks for the insight about Bartender there. We're looking into that now. Aside from that, I'm glad to hear you were able to get the code.

  • JoshMcKeePNW
    Community Member

    Same issue here, using Bartender. Googled, found this thread - clicking 1password mini from bartender bar allowed me to see and authenticate the code.

  • keithhuss
    Community Member

    Same problem here. macOS Sierra 10.12 (16A323), Safari 10.0 (12602. Have restarted, launch Safari and get screen asking me to compare code to one shown in 1Password, but 1Password mini icon in menu bar is unresponsive. Have uninstalled and reinstalled Safari extension. Click on it and it grays like it's being toggled, but nothing happens.

  • keithhuss
    Community Member

    Sorry - ignore that last comment Found the icon in the Bartender menu

  • gendalf
    Community Member

    I'm sorry to say this... I'm a long, long and very faithful customer and will be...
    BUT, my God, I've never been this frustrated with 1P update...
    It DROVE NUTS not getting extension to work... went through the same hoops as folks above...
    After entering code got stuck with "authorization" pop-up that won't go away until I quit 1P-mini...

    Sorry for venting...

    Sierra 10.12
    Safari 10.0

    1.png 187.1K
  • soundsgoodtome
    Community Member

    Whether one uses Bartender or not, the instruction — "Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password" — is poorly worded and flat-out misleading. Most users will interpret it as a directive to launch the main 1Password app, NOT 1Password mini in the menubar (whether it's visible or not). 1Password mini needs to be explicitly stated.

    This is an unfortunate, wholly avoidable departure from Agile Bits' usual attention to detail.

  • matthiasmoier
    Community Member

    +1 for only finding out what I need to do after I went to Google and found this thread here. Restarted Chrome and 1PW first but nothing helped and the 1PW Mini info bubble was hidden in Bartender.

  • jannik
    Community Member

    +1 Reinstalled everything before finding this thread!

  • realtimcornwell
    Community Member

    I've come to rely upon 1Password that a blocker like this is painful. I had to find this thread to see how to proceed. But the mini1Password bubble still shows up and I cannot see how to get rid of it.

  • nschum
    Community Member

    Agreed. I never click the status bar icon, I just use the keyboard shortcut. I looked all over to find the code.

    Then when I found it, the code didn't match. Again, no instructions on what to do. The "cancel" button didn't do anything. After a lot of random clicking and restarting it eventually began to match.

  • jiclark
    Community Member

    C'mon guys, fix this! You're going to lose a lot of customers over the challenges with this unexplained "authorization" requirement, if you don't fix it darn quickly!!

    How could this have gotten through your quality control system?

  • kate59
    Community Member

    I've been trying for 2 days to get the update to work. I've restarted and reinstalled everything, and 1Password mini in Chrome still doesn't work: I click on it and nothing happens. I cannot authorize the update. please fix this!

  • We tested this change and fixed quite a few issues before the release. We would love to keep it in beta longer but we had to release before the security issue is publicly disclosed (the security issue is related to Windows but the browser extension is the same on all platforms).

    We hope to publish an new update later today or tomorrow. Thank you for reporting these problems!

  • Hey @ryansebiz! I'm sorry for the confusion here. 1Password mini is supposed to show a little pop-up with the code and an Authenticate button. There are a couple edge cases where this pop-up does not show, the most prevalent being when Bartender is being used and 1Password mini is added to it. It is preventing the pop-up from showing. We're currently working on a fix.

    The workaround for that is to simply click on 1Password mini's icon in your Mac's menubar, and it should show the authentication dialog.

  • NigelA10
    Community Member

    I do not get any "Authenticate" button - all I get is 1PW mini crashing
    Ive been asking about this in another thread for 24 Hrs but as yet nobody has taken time to offer help or suggestions

    Are you issueing an update to correct these problems ?

  • @NigelA10 I saw one of the crashers fixed in 6.3.5, hopefully it will resolve the issue for you when the release is published.

  • chelidon
    Community Member

    Similar problems, running 10.12 and Safari, Chrome and Firefox browsers. Authentication dialog doesn't come up -- nothing happens on Safari when pressing the mini button, perhaps because the extension crashed, and attempts to install the new extension do not succeed ("An error occurred while installing the extension “1Password”.") I am running Ghostery and Ad Blocker Plus, so perhaps there is an interaction problem there.

  • MichelleH
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    Nothing happened with the 1password mini in Safari, but it worked when I went to my main Mac menu bar. However even after it's authorized, the authorization box from clicking on 1password in the main menu bar won't go away.

  • goldenratio
    Community Member

    I also had issues because I have 3 separate profiles in Chrome with essentially 3 copies of the 1Password extension. When I launched Chrome for the first time after the update, all 3 profiles opened a tab with a separate six digit code. I finally figured out I just needed to find the browser tab with the matching code first, click authorize, and then it cycled through the other 2 codes. It was not intuitive at all.

  • slim
    Community Member

    Just repeating what others have said, but I'm another long time happy user, who's promoted the program among friends and gotten great utility out of it. I'm familiar with the whole process and have plenty of patience with these things. But... this was really a time consuming, frustrating and unnecessary pain in the butt. This is not what we pay for through the years. Some simple wording would have made this SO much easier for lots of people. One clear sentence at least, and a preferably, a couple more, including a screen grab of what needs to be done and most all of these issues would have been avoided.

  • brittspace
    Community Member

    Also had quite a few problems here. Could not 'Cancel' out of the dialog (that I didn't find) even after removing 1Password Mini from Bartender.

    At the very least change the wording around where to find the dialog, but given that it's requiring 1Password Mini, perhaps the code should be shown in the app proper as well?

  • sanjit
    Community Member

    Having the exact same issue… I don't see the number in 1Password… Checked everywhere… both the extension and 1Password versions are the latest. Sierra 10.12.

  • mecutler
    Community Member

    Same problem. I do have the icon in the toolbar which used to give me access to 1Password, but now clicking on the icon does nothing at all.

  • NigelA10
    Community Member

    I have succeeded in getting 1PW, 1PW mini and Safari Extension to function as it always did before
    So I have macOS 10.12, 1PW 6.3.4, Extension 4.6.1
    I resolved my crash issue by deleting a duplicate version of Courier from my mac
    I deleted courier from user/library/fonts so that I now only have one version which is in system/library/fonts
    (TrueType font version Version 11.0d2e1)
    Disabling or enabling the duplicate did not work, I had to remove it

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi everyone,

    I'm very sorry for any trouble the new extension authorization feature caused!

    We just released an update for the 1Password app (version 6.3.5) which should fix the problems we've heard about this. So if you're still unable to authorize the 1Password extension in your browsers, please install the update and try again. (If it's still not working after you update to 6.3.5, please restart your Mac.)

    Also, for those of you who asked about documentation for this, you'll be happy to know that the authorization message in 6.3.5 now includes a link to this knowledgebase article: If you see "1Password requires authorization" in your browser

    Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you need more assistance, please let us know. We're always happy to help! :)

  • gregmtl
    Community Member

    Thanks you for the fix. I also Googled it and arived here for the solution. Screen in Chrome should really say to check 1Password Mini. Thanks.

  • sikachu
    Community Member

    Please click on 1Password mini in your menubar and it should display the code.

    Ah, so that's how you show the code!

    I'm using Bartender, so I don't even remember that there's 1Password icon on my status bar. So yeah, I'm glad I googled and found this thread.

    May I suggest that you should add a notification when a browser is requesting authorization? Something like "Safari is requesting for authorization. Click here to verify the code." or something like that. I think that would be much better than having user have to click that 1Password icon in the status bar.

This discussion has been closed.