Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password.



  • mayb2
    Community Member

    There is no 6.35 on the mac app store yet? so im just stuck with this window 2016-10-20 22.47.03.png?dl=0

  • ottoman42
    Community Member

    I am having the same issue. When I open 1Password app there is no code to be found to compare it to.

  • ottoman42
    Community Member

    I have the same issue. And when I open the 1password app I can't find any code to compare it to. Any help?

  • PaulWatts
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    Please count me as another very long term user who is extremely annoyed by this inane authorisation system that suddenly appeared. I at first thought it was some form of malware until googling and finding this thread. I'm now stuck with the "mini" showing a different code than the one in safari and no way of changing either. This is extremely poor design and even poorer execution.

  • mcbguru
    Community Member


    I've been a very long time user of 1Password, but I have to say that this new 'Authorize with 1Password Mini' feature has been very badly explained and handled.

    Upon updating, I see in the Apple store update note that I should check the code prompted and make sure the two match. 'As long as the code displayed in your Browser matches the one prompted by 1Password mini, you're a-okay to click Authorize'.

    Fine. Where. Where does this code appear?

    Once the update has been completed, and I open up a browser (I get the exact same result in Safari, Chrome and Firefox browser) I'm prompted with a code and the instruction to 'Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password'.

    No information about where this code will appear, what form it will take, or where to get the code from if 1Password doesn't show it. Doesn't seem to hard to provide this information either in the notes, or in the browser page that pops up.

    More concerning - all my browser extensions have stopped working. I've uninstalled and reinstalled with no difference whatsoever.

    I can open 1Password fine, but shows no authorization code either, and there's no menu item, prompt, or anything else that shows this authorization code I'm supposed to verify.

    And just to be even more concerning, especially if the auth code is shown once, I get a completely different auth code for every browser where I have the extension installed. I even get a different code in different windows in the same browser under certain conditions.

    Things I've done to try and address the problem:

    • Restarted my machine
    • Reinstalled Browser extensions
    • Disabled and re-enabled extensions
    • Quit 1Password and 1Password Mini and restarted them

    Not one of these items has fixed the problem - not one of them has made my browser extensions work, and in not one instance do I ever get a 'code' from anything other than the page asking me to compare it. There are no errors on the page during the loading, no proxies involved.

    Furthermore, I can't find any information on this change, or how to self-diagnose the problem in the knowledgebase using a variety of different search terms. 'Auth Code', '1Password Mini', nothing brings up a page that relates to this issue. There's nothing in the documentation either that I can find. There's nothing in your Blog about this rather significant and important change either.

    Here's a really strong suggestion - dont put features into a product until you have documentation, support and FAQ information avilable to help customers. Release Notes are NOT documentation, and even if you think they are, the content of the release notes is incomplete and inadequate to describe the behaviour, and provides little information that would help.

    The update has rendered 1Password with the browser extension completely useless.

    None of this gives me any confidence in the product anymore.

    1Password Version: 6.3.4
    Extension Version: 4.6.1
    OS Version: 10.12
    Sync Type: Irrelevant

  • tenjin
    Community Member

    Have to second all of the above comments. I have just spent 20 minutes trying to find this mythical "code" in 1Password, there is nothing in the documentation (I can find), and nothing on the web.


  • benloran
    Community Member

    I use multiple Chrome profiles, and have one of them successfully activated (after googling "compare this code to the one shown in 1Password" and finding this thread, like others here). However, when I try to use 1Password from other Chrome profiles, it doesn't work, and I don't see any way to activate it with those profiles. Hitting the keyboard combination or clicking on the 1Password extension icon in Chrome ought to trigger the activation popup or something, if the profile is not yet activated. Is there any way to get my other profiles activated?

  • tenjin
    Community Member

    PSA: If you have the 1Password Mini icon in Bartender on Sierra, move it back out to the main bar. Bartender suppresses the Auth pop-up.

  • gmax21
    Community Member

    For me, I thought something shady was going on at first, like malware or something silly because I'd never experienced this behaviour before.

    Though they linked there and the popover from the software was on my screen (which can't be cancelled - cancel doesn't work and can't be dismissed) it didn't feel natural based on my experience with this product in the past.

    Glad I'm not the only one and that this is legit. :)

  • joei19
    Community Member

    this was a terrible user experience. it took hours to figure out and once i did another hour to get it to actually work...just awful

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sikachu: I'm sorry of the confusion there! You shouldn't have to click it, but if the icon is being hidden it may not show up on it's own.

    This is changed to a separate window in the 6.3.5 update, which is propagating through the App Store as we speak, and is already available to all AgileBits Store users as an update as well.

    @mayb2: I'm sorry for the inconvenience! It isn't clear what you're illustrating with the screenshot, but the App Store should offer the update in your region soon. In the mean time, simply restarting your Mac may help.

    @ottoman42: In 6.3.4 the code is displayed by the 1Password mini menu bar icon by default, so if you've hidden that you may have trouble finding the code. Try updating and restarting your Mac, and let us know if you're still having trouble.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @PaulWatts: I'm sorry if this new security feature has caused you any inconvenience. However, it would be more "insane" for us to not address security issues as they are discovered. We've already made more changes to improve this, so please update and restart your Mac. And let us know if you encounter any further issues.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @joei19: While I'm glad to hear that it's working for you now, I'm really sorry to hear that it took you hours to find the code to authorize the browser extension. We're improving this in the latest update and will continue to do whatever we can to make it easier to understand and use, and in the future please don't hesitate to get in touch before spending hours troubleshooting by yourself. You shouldn't have to do it alone! :blush:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @benloran: Sorry for the trouble! Please remove the 1Password extension from the Chrome profile you're having trouble with, update 1Password, restart your Mac, and install a fresh copy of the extension. Let me know how it turns out!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mcbguru: I hope you don't mind, but I've merged your post with the existing discussion on issues with the new mutual authentication in 1Password for Mac.

    I'm sorry for the trouble there! It sounds like you may have multiple browsers open, so you're getting a number of codes at once. That definitely sounds like it could be a bit overwhelming. We developed and tested this new security feature to protect against a weakness that was discovered, and while we've documented it on our support site, I'll be honest: we didn't account for all of the edge cases here, and where we've failed in that regard, I apologize. :(

    Fortunately, we've already pushed out a new version to make this clearer and easier, so be sure to update 1Password (and the browser and extension) and restart your Mac. It still may be easiest to authorize one browser at a time, but once you do you shouldn't have to again unless you remove the extension or reset your browser. And if you're still having trouble, please let us know which browser version you're using and we'll help you get things sorted out!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @gmax21, @tenjin: I've also merged your comments with the existing discussion here.

    @tenjin: Indeed, I'm sorry for the inconvenience! Oddly enough, a lot of us are Bartender users here (myself included) and didn't run into anything like that, but I'm glad you were able to work around it to setup the extension. We've released an update to help work around the Bartender issue.

    @gmax21: I apologize for any confusion that caused! We've included a direct link to the documentation in the latest update as well, and hopefully that will help anyone else have a better sense of what's going on.

    And thanks to everyone providing feedback on this new feature so we can make it better for everyone!

  • nicb
    Community Member

    I agree that this has been the most poorly communicated change and fix in the almost eight years I have been a 1Password customer.

    There is SO much confusion because of a poorly worded landing page for the authorisation. I implore you to look at the wording on that page and change it. Make it useful, make it descriptive, link to an FAQ or hints for Bartender users. Do something more than think you have to fix your application code. Communicate.

    -Frustrated of NYC

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @nicb

    I'm very sorry for all the trouble with this new update. Thank you very much for your feedback, we're working on improving this feature and we appreciate it :chuffed: I hope that everything's working for you now, and thank you very much for your patience!

  • benloran
    Community Member

    @brenty Thanks, your solution worked. I do hope you guys come up with a better solution in the future, though.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of Brenty, you're very welcome! I'm glad his suggestion worked. Hopefully you're all set now, but if you need more help with 1Password or have other questions, just let us know. :)

  • djh50
    Community Member
    edited December 2016

    It's like 1Password is trying to get customers to switch to LastPass. The 1Password mini icon is in my bar. I don't use bartender or anything like that. When I click on it, I log in and can see passwords, but when I try to use the extension in Chrome, I just get a page that asks me to verify this number in 1Password. I'm annoyed that in the past, AgileBits very dishonestly broke existing functionality to force me to pay for an "upgrade" to fix it, but I did it because it was working. Now it's not working. For an application that costs as much as 1Password, there should not be problems like this. I've gone through the documentation, reopened 1Password, rebooted, checked to make sure 1Password is in my applications folder, reinstalled 1Password from the app store etc. and still no luck - this is all due to the update I recently installed and is very frustrating. Anything that works this poorly is not just poor communication - it is poor design.

  • ag_TJLuoma
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @djh50

    I'm sorry for the frustration.

    The browser verification is an important step to make sure that no other process is interrupting or intercepting your 1Password data.

    You should only have to do that once per browser.

    Are you not seeing the code in Chrome? I apologize, I'm not clear what the current problem is that you're having.


  • djh50
    Community Member

    I have been running this for the last two years or more without issue. On December 2, an update was installed. Since that time the extension in the browser keeps coming up and saying I need to verify the code. When I click on 1Password Mini in the toolbar, there is no code. I can log on to 1Password Mini and see my information, but I cannot get 1Password Mini to display a code and the browser refuses to connect to 1Password Mini even though it is obviously running. I have tried all of the steps in the support documentation including checking the permissions, making sure 1Password is installed in the Applications directory, restarting my computer, etc. yet the problem persists.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2016

    @djh50: It sounds like you may be referring to something else then, as the mutual authentication was introduced in version 6.3.4 — just under two months ago. So if you're having a problem other than the one being discussed in this thread (matching the codes to authorize the browser connection) please be sure to clarify so we can help you.

    But if you're only having trouble with browser authorization, please do the following:

    1. Drag any copies of 1Password to the Trash
    2. Remove the 1Password extension from your browser(s)
    3. Update the browser(s) fully
    4. Restart your Mac
    5. Install the latest version of 1Password
    6. Install the latest extension

    Please let me know if that helps. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • djh50
    Community Member

    @brenty, I am having the problem being discussed in this thread. As I referenced in my original post, I have tried all 6 of the steps you listed more than once and the problem persists.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @djh50: Thanks for letting us know! If you're still not seeing the authorization code, the best thing to do will be to restart your Mac, reproduce the same issue, and then generate a diagnostic report so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the entire file for each to an email to us:

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can quickly track down the report and ensure that it is dealt with quickly. Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • mhochuli
    Community Member

    I am amazed, finding this discussion about a problem I encounter today. I am amazed that this problem still is a problem.

    "Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password."
    How exactly do I do this?

    I use 1Password and the Safari Extension since about five years on my office MacBook Pro. Today I wanted to activate the Safari Extension on my private iMac and I am totally blocked on this sentence: "Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password."

    After reading this discussion, I realized, that I don't have 1Password mini running. Doesn't 1Password detect this and give me some clue what I have to do?

    But, even after activating 1Password mini… nothing happens. I am totally frustrated.

    Uninstall and reinstall Safari Extension helped some 30 minutes later…

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mhochuli: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! Without 1Password mini running, it isn't possible to use the 1Password browser extension at all, so the code can't and won't help in that case anyway. It sounds like something may have prevented 1Password mini from running initially, which got you stuck unable to see the code to authorize the browser, but I'm glad to hear that you were able to reinstall the extension with mini running to get things setup. Ultimately, I'd like to offer two takeaways: we're actually working on a new method of communication between 1Password and the browser so that all of this becomes unnecessary, and regardless we're always here if you need us. Cheers! :)

  • busted
    Community Member

    Great illustration of what I call "the geeks' revenge". Impossible for a non-tech person to figure these problems out. So my Mac updated its software. And I need to find some sort of systems engineer to help me find the matching - or unmatching - authorization code? 1Password you've failed this one big time.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @busted: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you elaborate? If you're using 1Password 6.8 and Chrome (or related browser), you won't have an authorization, as this is now handled automatically by Native Messaging.

    Unfortunately without some basic information it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me the OS, 1Password, and device versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can figure out the best plan of action:

    Find your version

    The more information you can give, the better. It sounds like you're having trouble, but you didn't mention any specifics. Fortunately you don't have to figure this out on your own. We're here to help. Thanks in advance! :)

This discussion has been closed.