Clicking My Identity or Wallet items in the Chrome extension results in error


With the intent to autofill either my cc or address details, I get the generic chrome error below in a new tab with the url chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk/ when clicking on anything other than a login in the extension. The data looks fine within the app itself.

Your file was not found

It may have been moved or deleted.

1Password Version: 6.1.272d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: 1P


  • Hi @mmostdef,

    Thanks for writing in.

    First, I do want to mention that 1Password 6 does not yet support filling with your credit card and/or Identity items, only Logins are supported. We will work on that support soon.

    This is an interesting error, we've seen it before when you select a Login item that has no URL saved or it has a malformed URL structure.

    However, I am not able to reproduce that error just yet. Can you tell me the steps you're taking to get that error, is it this:

    1. Log into a web site that will ask for your address or credit card
    2. Click on 1Password icon, search for the credit card and then click on it?

    Technically, you should see the main 1Password 6 open up with your credit card item.

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