A video showing how your software tortures me daily.


Finally caught this sneaky little bugger on tape.


This is what I've been dealing with for over 2 years. Daily.

1Password Version: Every Version for 2 years
Extension Version: Every
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AgileBurger
    Community Member
  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    My neighbor, who I recommended 1P for W to, also sees the same thing and asked me about it:

    From time to time 1pw doesn't open when I click on the circled-i icon on the right end of the menu bar. Sometimes works after I close and reopen Firefox, other times it just doesn't open at all until I restart the computer.

  • @AgileBurger I can't tell you how sorry we are that you're constantly being plagued by this.

    I checked the other threads you have opened over the past few months, went over the information you provided us with, and to me the only reasonable explanation is that something is interfering with the communication between the 1Password browser extension and the 1Password Helper (Agile1pAgent.exe).

    This would explain the login windows piling up, the issues with the connection, and a few other peculiarities you mentioned.

    However, this is not even remotely similar to any issue of the sort that we've seen in the past. Usually, it's all or nothing. Either the connection works, or it doesn't. Sometimes, the connection doesn't work at first but once anti-malware software has analysed the process and the behaviour, it works.

    In your case, it seems like the communication undergoes a constant behavioural scanning that resets every day. At least this is how I would explain it given the experience I have with anti-malware software.

    We're in the process of retesting a few anti-malware software products at the moment because we're seeing an increase in blocked 1Password browser extension downloads/updates. I have a virtual machine with Norton Security set up right now to test a few things and I'll gladly dive into attempting to reproduce the issue you're seeing. So, I have a few requests:

    • Can you please tell us which exact version of Norton Security and Malwarebytes Anti Malware (Premium?) you're using.
    • Oh and if you're still on Norton 360, please update to the latest version and recheck of the issue still appears.
    • I'd also like to know if you're using any application that has browser integration or that creates a HTTP server at the localhost IP address Commonly apps that create such servers are website testing environments or similar tools.
    • Apart from that, is there any security related software you're using that you think might interfere in any way?

    I looked at the Task Manager in your video but apart from Malwarebytes and Norton nothing sprang out at me.

    We're going to do our best to figure this out with and for you.



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