Do you want to be a 1Password for Windows beta tester?

1Password Alumni
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

Register and become a beta tester.

It's easy to do and all we ask is for your feedback in return as it really does help make 1Password better!
To become a beta tester, you will need to have a HockeyApp account, you can create a HockeyApp account for free.

We do recommend you create a new HockeyApp account rather than log in with credentials of an external authentication provider, such as Facebook, Twitter or Github, to avoid HockeyApp requesting elevated privileges from your social network account.

1. Sign in or Register to HockeyApp and request access

Sign in to your HockeyApp account to request access.


2. Open and unlock 1Password, then choose "(Settings) > Options > Update"

Enable the Include Beta Builds checkbox and enter the email address you used to register with HockeyApp


4. Finally, click on the Check for Updates button.

The next time 1Password checks for updates, it will automatically include beta versions if available. You can force this process by clicking the Check for updates button.

That's it and thank you!

Thank you and we look forward to hearing your thoughts!


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2017

    From #cs-forums:

    brenty [09:30]
    Benji has doodled a sweet new OPW beta announcement:
    I’ve linked to it from the OPW welcome announcement, and de-announced the old one:

    Now I've moved the old one from Windows Beta to Test. No reason we'd want people seeing that now instead of Benji's sweet new one. :chuffed:

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