Newly converted to 1password 4 with a couple questions

I am very happy with 1password 4 which is pretty much working exactly as I would wish on my two Windows 10 machines using Dropbox to sync my data. I looked at 1password 6 but the deal breaker for me is with the way it handles attachments. I like to be able to add attachments to my sites and secure notes and have them stay attached to that site or note. I don't want them floating around separately in my vault. This is really important to me. I trialled a lot of password managers including Dashlane once I'd decided to leave Lastpass and only 1Password 4 gives me the functionality I want with attachments. I've bought the licence and I can tell you that hurt so I'm not looking to change PW managers again any time soon. So I'm a bit concerned about whether the Android app is going to mess this up when I sync it to my vault. I've paid for the pro version of the Android app as well as the Windows licence and I gather that the Android app handles attachments differently. What I don't want is for the Android app to remove all the attachments and convert them into free floating documents and then for this to sync back to my vaults on Windows. That would make a right mess. Can you offer any reassurance on this before I go ahead and connect my phone to my vault?

One other quick question - I'm using both the Chrome and Firefox extensions.. 4.6.1 on FF and on Chrome. Although I have ticked the box that says "When unlocking the application also unlock extension" in the browser tab of 1PW4, this isn't happening. I'm having to unlock both application and extension separately every time. And my auto-lock setting keeps re-setting to 20 minutes no matter what figure I put in there!

1Password Version:
Extension Version:, 4.6.1
OS Version: Windows 10 ver 1511 & Win 10 1607
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @petalhanger,

    Welcome to the family!

    The documents concept that we're using with accounts is very flexible and has a few distinct advantages but it's not for everyone and we'll continue to happily offer offline vaults to customers.

    What I don't want is for the Android app to remove all the attachments and convert them into free floating documents and then for this to sync back to my vaults on Windows. That would make a right mess. Can you offer any reassurance on this before I go ahead and connect my phone to my vault?

    You're going to sync using Dropbox? If so, there's nothing to worry about. Attachments are handled just like you'd expect in 1Password for Android.

    Although I have ticked the box that says "When unlocking the application also unlock extension" in the browser tab of 1PW4, this isn't happening. I'm having to unlock both application and extension separately every time.

    This feature has one exception/limitation: if you unlock 1Password in the browser first, you'll have to unlock the main app separately. If you do it the other way around, the universal unlock feature will take.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    And my auto-lock setting keeps re-setting to 20 minutes no matter what figure I put in there!

    That's rather unusual. Are you using some kind of registry cleaner? We rarely hear of issues like this.
    Can you please set it to a different value and check if the setting sticks?



  • petalhanger
    Community Member

    Hi Alex, many thanks for the reply. I'm not using any kind of registry cleaner :)
    I've been having a rather more pressing problem though. Before I email you - is there an issue having more than one instance of 1PW4 running? I work across multiple machines and it seems if I try to have an instance active on two machines at once it causes the second instance to delete all the files from the synced vault. Have you come across that before?

  • petalhanger
    Community Member

    OK so 1PW4 uses files and not a database so there's no ability for concurrent access. Have I got that right? I can only have one instance open at a time. So I have to remember to close all instances of the window app before starting the app on my phone and vice versa?

  • Yes, you can only have one instance of 1Password 4 open at the same time. It reads from and writes to the database file (.agilekeychain, .opvault) directly.

    You don't have to remember to close the app before you use 1Password on your smartphone. Both 1Password for iOS and 1Password for Android have internal databases that access data stored on a sync server (Dropbox, in your case) and compare it to the internal database.

    I'm curious how the fact that you're accessing 1Password for Windows open on two machines would delete data.
    The file is merely a mirror of the data that is stored in Dropbox for syncing between two Windows machines.
    Data access and syncing is governed by Dropbox on a file system level.

    There is always the potential for sync issues but I honestly haven't encountered an error of the likes you're describing so far.



  • petalhanger
    Community Member

    This has turned into a complete nightmare for me. I wish I'd tested the Dropbox sync before I splashed out on a licence. But I only trialed the software on one machine, I had no idea the sync would create such a total mess. For me at least it is completely broken. This morning for example, the entire vault has been wiped from local files on one machine, I assume it must have been wiped by 1PW, none of my other files are wiped and I certainly didn't wipe it, it is still extant in the cloud and on the local file-system of my other machine. Dropbox on both machines is reporting it's up to date - yet clearly it isn't when files are on one machine but not on the other. You can read the entire book I've written at support ID [#RIA-27892-323]

  • petalhanger
    Community Member

    "Yes, you can only have one instance of 1Password 4 open at the same time. It reads from and writes to the database file (.agilekeychain, .opvault) directly." I have two browers on one laptop. I use FF for personal stuff and Chrome (because I have to) for Uni stuff. So you appear to be telling me that I cannot switch between browsers and have the extension active in both.. you know in case I am doing Uni research work on Chrome and decide to log into Amazon on FF to do a quick shop while I have a cuppa? I have to actually close and re-open the app to switch between browser windows on the same computer??

  • Hi @petalhanger,

    We're sorry for any confusion here.

    Regarding your issue with the 1Password browser extensions. If you access your 1Password vault through different browsers, both browsers talk to the same instance of 1Password. You don't have to close one and open the other. This is something you don't have to worry about.

    I hope this cleared things up a little.

    Regarding the disappearing data:
    I quickly read through the email you sent us and I think my colleague Laura might be onto something. The fact that you keep your Dropbox folder on an SD card might be the cause if not a contributing factor to the problem.

    As I've said, 1Password merely accesses the data, it can't actually delete the entire vault. This is something you (or Dropbox) has to do on a filesystem level.

    We'll be happy to troubleshoot the issue via email. The security and integrity of your data is of the utmost importance to us.



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