can't sign out of Windows app

When I click the gear icon, Accounts and Vaults, my name, and Sign Out, nothing happens. I tried restarting my PC but no luck.

1Password Version: 6.1.286d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • reemas
    Community Member

    anyone? it's quite odd.

  • Hi @reemas.

    Sorry for only getting back to you now. We're happy to help.

    Do you see the modal dialogue asking you to confirm that you wish to sign out of your account?



  • reemas
    Community Member

    No I do not.

  • Interesting. There should be one.

    May I ask why you're trying to log sign out of the account in 1Password 6?
    I'm wondering if we can find a different solution.


  • reemas
    Community Member

    I switched to a family subscription instead of individual account. I want to close this account out entirely. Also, when I go to your site to retrieve licenses and submit my email, I no longer get an email from you guys telling me what types of accounts I have. So I'm a little lost on the status. Ultimately, I want to close out my individual AND old iOS only accounts, and stick with my family subscription.

    FYI when I click sign out in the windows app, literally NOTHING happens.

  • reemas
    Community Member

    additionally, the account my windows app logs into is not the family subscription, so all my passwords on here are not updating. i want to close out and delete this account as cleanly as possible.

  • Hey!

    According to our record, you already deleted your individual account and the only one left is the 1Password Families account.
    That might very well explain the issue with not being able to sign out of the account because there's nothing to sign out of.

    Can you please tell us whether your data is already present online in your 1Password Families account?
    If that's the case, then

    1. quit 1Password 6 via the notification area icon,
    2. navigate to %LOCALAPPDATA%\1Password in the Windows Explorer (simply paste this path into the location bar),
    3. move the data folder to your desktop,
    4. restart 1Password 6,
    5. and follow the steps in our Get started with 1Password guide article to log into your 1Password Families account.

    Please let us know if this helps.

  • reemas
    Community Member

    Yup all my data is already transferred to my families account. I had a feeling this was the cause, thanks for confirming.

    Can I just delete the data?

    Also, how can I get an email sent to me that confirms which accounts I have and the account key? I've seen this before but can't seem to get it to work now. I thought inputting my email on your site where I can check my license would do the trick but I don't seem to get an email from that. (Yes I checked my spam/junk mail too.)

  • Yes, if all data is in the 1Password Families account, you can delete the data folder that you previously moved to the desktop.

    I'm sorry to say that I don't quite understand the request about the email.

    Once you log into your account, you can see the account key in the Emergency Kit. 1Password 6 also allows you to copy the Account Key for any given account from the settings menu.

    With standalone licences we offered a way to resend a purchase receipt that contained the licence key(s).
    This is not something that will ever be offered with accounts because the Account Key is not a licence but an integral part of the encryption of your data.

    Once you deleted one account, you won't be able to log into it anymore and the data is gone as well.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know if I misunderstood something.



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