1Password 6 single vault mode [not supported]

This discussion was created from comments split from: Preferred Vault Preference Not Always the Case.


  • roar714
    Community Member

    The (family) version of 1Password running on Win 10 system is 6.1.286. When the app is opened it always opens to both vaults currently present. The instructions above for designating only one vault appear to apply to Macs only. How do you set preference to open in only one vault in Win 10?

    Second question. Should there be item icons in the Win 10 version as there is in iOS?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @roar714: I hope you don't mind, but I've split you off into a separate discussion in the Windows category of the forums since that's what you're using.

    I'm sorry for the confusion! The new 1Password 6 Windows desktop app does not support a "single vault" mode. 1Password for Mac does not either with 1Password Accounts that have more than one vault. In a future version we'll be adding the ability to set a specific vault to open to, but for now it will always open to All Vaults, and then you can select a different vault if you want to view only one. I hope this helps! :)

  • roar714
    Community Member

    Thx for the clarification. I have an unrelated follow up. When I go directly to a website to browse (say it's the local symphony) and see something I want to buy it appears I cannot (within iOS at least) summon 1Password from within that website to auto fill the respective sign in (the symphony is already a registered item in my operative vault). I've not been able to divine a way to call up 1P in this situation other than leaving the (symphony) screen, opening 1P, going to the symphony item and manually copying the login credentials, going back to the symphony screen and manually pasting in the codes. When in the (symphony) website I accessed directly I call up 1P using the [square with arrow icon] within Safari and it opens 1P to 'Login in Using: New Login", plus it shows my credit card. There's no way I can see to directly open my operative vault. It has been really annoying all the years I've used 1P. Yes, I know the proper route is to open 1P first and then open the desired (symphony) URL, but that's not how we really browse the Internet. Please tell me what I've been missing all this time. This limitation appears to occur regardless of the browser agent or extension used with iOS and it happens even if 1P is a,ready open. My description is clunky but I hope you get the drift.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @roar714: Hmm. I'm glad you brought this up. I'm not certain I understand completely, but I think you've got me in the ballpark. It sounds like you're probably referring to one of two things:

    You're at Website A, and you want to have 1Password take you directly to Website B.

    This isn't something 1Password can do on iOS. When you open the 1Password extension (or use the "key" icon in 1Browser), it will only offer you logins that match the current site. 1Password only has control over navigation when you select a URL from an item's details in your vault(s).

    You're at a website and want to login, but you don't have any items with a matching URL.

    This one is tricky, because it isn't always obvious. Many times a "single website" will have many different URLs, such as gmail.com and google.com. To guard against phishing scams, 1Password will not be lenient about this. But in cases where you want to use the same login for all of them, you can add multiple URLs to the login item, so that 1Password can match the same login to each.

    Somethin' Else

    It may be that neither of those is what you meant. In either case, if you're still having trouble, an example with the steps you're taking and URLs involved may help illustrate, and then I can offer a better explanation. Thanks in advance! :)

  • roar714
    Community Member

    It's a variation on your first example.
    I surf directly to www.symphony.com, which I happen to have as a defined item in 1Password with my login creds. This is normal surfacing activity, checking out different venues, when you find one you want to log into.

    I use the "get" option/icon in IOS Safari [what I call the "arrow box" along the top edge] and call up 1P.

    I open 1P and see it doesn't present either the login for www.symphony.com or -- and here's the kicker -- the front door of 1P logins as you would see it if you simply opened 1P by itself from its desktop icon.

    So therefore in order to access my defined login creds for the symphony from 1P to use within www.symphony.com I must leave the symphony URL screen and separately open 1P, find the symphony item, manually copy the login password, return to the symphony screen and paste the login into those fields.

    It would be much more elegant to include within the 1P access option in Safari's top edge "arrow box" an option to open 1P's vault for logins directly from there, rather than having to leave the symphony website as described above.

    You've already cleared Touch ID security to open the "article box" access point to 1P; why not include an option to also open logins? After all, I see my credit cards always presented. Why not the login category? Is this a security element?

    It seems like a no brainer that when we happen to land in a website destination (though not necessarily the exact URL for which we have log in creds already defined) that we can get to them directly via only one security pass (the arrow box). After all. If my credit cards are already being presented with such a indirect entry (via symphony) why not include the gateway to open defined logins? If the problem is in fact a website destination having multiple URLs, can you add several of these to one login item (symphony in my example)?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2016

    @roar714: I think the URL might be important. As far as I can tell, they don't have a regular login page. When I go to the menu and select "Sign In", I'm redirected to the App Store. Are you using their app, and that's where you're running into trouble? It sounds like that may be the case, since one minute you're talking about being in the 1Password app and the next you're having to switch back to it. That's probably what's confused both of us!

    While we offer a 1Password extension for iOS, it isn't something we can build into other apps ourselves. Their developers will need to add support for it. Otherwise it is necessary to copy and paste.

    However, we have a website devoted to the 1Password extension for developers, so be sure to let them know you'd like them to add support for it and point them in our direction. We're always happy to help them join the ranks of apps that support the 1Password iOS extension!

    Similarly, it isn't possible for 3rd party apps — 1Password or otherwise — to add buttons to Safari. I'm also sorry for not being clearer in my previous comments. If you have a login item saved with a "www.symphony.com" URL or similar, it doesn't have to match the full URL, only the domain "symphony.com". But it is crucial that 1Password doesn't fill your login credentials in inappropriate places, and in most cases the only way to determine this is the URL. That website may not be the best example, but I absolutely don't want to fill my "paypal.com" login credentials at "paypa1.co.mu" or similar, no matter how much trouble someone goes to to make it look like the actual PayPal website.

    It is possible to add multiple URLs to login items with the Pro Features in 1Password for iOS. But while this is important in cases when you want to use a single login at completely different domains, it isn't necessary in order to use the same login at different URLs within the same domain. Hopefully my explanation above helped to illustrate this, but be sure to let me know if you have any questions! :)

    P.S: The "arrow box" [ ↑ ] used in both macOS and iOS seems to be called the "Share" button/menu, but I can't for the life of me right now recall how I know that. Just wanted to add that in case it helps.

This discussion has been closed.