Logins only shown in browser [do not remove extension!]
I am facing same issue, I only see 10% of my total Login IDs in the Chrome browser extention. Moreover, one of the sites I visit, if I click on that name in the extention, login fails but if I copy password it logs in correctly.
Windows 7 Application 1password 6.1.286d
Chrome Version 54.0.2840.87 m
1Password Chrome extension version : 1password 6.1.286d0 -
@1password1: I hope you don' mind, but I've split you off into a separate discussion in the Windows category of the forums, since you're using that version and not the old version of 1Password for Mac being discussed in the other thread.
Can you tell me which version of the 1Password extension you have? 6.1.286d is the version of the app. There is no such version of the Chrome extension. It sounds like you may be using something very out of date there. Whatever you do, do not remove the extension until you have all of your data in the app. And if you're having trouble with a specific site, we really need to know the URL in order to investigate. Thanks in advance!
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@brenty can we discuss the specifics on a one on one email? I have sent an email also to support.
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@brenty chrome extension version
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Hi @1password1,
We received the email and will respond there as soon as possible.
ref: JCA-54544-533