Brower Extention Not Working in Both Chrome and Firefox

Please help me with my problem.

Thank You.


1Password Version: 6.1.286d
Extension version: 4.6.1 .90 (Chrome) 4.6.1 (Firefox)
OS version: 1607
OS Build: 14393.351
Anti-Virus: None (Windows Defender)

2016-11-02T12:16:38 Registering system wide hotkey for Ctrl+\ with virtual key code 220.
2016-11-02T12:16:38 Registering system wide hotkey for Ctrl+Alt+\ with virtual key code 220.
2016-11-02T12:16:39 A1 is a LocalFolderAccount with UUID 6bcqehit7zyjbrk5oasa76bzem.
2016-11-02T12:16:39 A2 is a DropboxAccount with UUID Dropbox143797660.
2016-11-02T12:16:45 V1 is a FolderVault (n3n3km5l34c5vkjhakv6bi7isa) in A2.
2016-11-02T12:16:45 Loaded 360 item overviews from database. (0.10 sec)
2016-11-02T12:17:11 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 49883 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:17:11 HRESULT 80070057, System.ArgumentException: Value of 'null' is not valid for 'filePath'.
at System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(String filePath, Int32 index)
at AgileBits.OnePassword.Browsers.ProcessInformation.LoadWinFormsIcon(String fileName) in C:\code\onepassword-rt\AgileBits.OnePassword.Desktop\Browsers\ProcessInformation.cs:line 68
2016-11-02T12:17:21 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50197 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:17:22 External command: onepassword4-extension://activate/Chrome.
2016-11-02T12:17:30 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50287 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:17:47 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50339 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:18:07 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50385 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:18:28 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50457 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:18:51 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50485 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:19:16 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50514 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:19:44 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50566 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:20:13 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50593 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:20:44 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50671 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:20:50 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50683 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:21:01 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50747 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:21:18 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50770 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:21:22 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50781 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:21:39 HTTP200 GET, 39,830 bytes. (0.92 sec)
2016-11-02T12:21:53 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50854 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:21:59 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50884 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:22:30 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50921 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:22:34 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50931 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:22:55 HTTP200 GET, 39,830 bytes. (0.78 sec)
2016-11-02T12:22:58 HTTP200 GET, 39,830 bytes. (0.89 sec)
2016-11-02T12:23:09 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50970 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:23:12 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 50983 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:23:49 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51029 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:23:50 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51035 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:24:31 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51243 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:24:33 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51251 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:25:11 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51293 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:25:18 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51317 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:25:20 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51323 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:25:27 External command: onepassword4-extension://activate/Firefox.
2016-11-02T12:25:28 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51356 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:25:43 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51377 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:26:05 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51431 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!
2016-11-02T12:26:32 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51454 and origin resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com!
2016-11-02T12:26:43 HTTP200 GET, 39,830 bytes. (0.94 sec)
2016-11-02T12:26:54 Failed to open process #2384 that initiated web socket connection on port 51475 and origin chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @nasaspaceboy,

    Thanks for reaching out.
    Are you running 1Password 4 alongside 1Password 6?

    You mentioned that you only use Windows Defender, are you maybe using a proxy server or VPN?



  • nasaspaceboy
    Community Member

    I did have 1Password 4 but uninstalled it and installed the new version. I was thinking about upgrading but this problem is drawing my attention towards lastpass to be honest with you.

    No proxy, no VPN.

    Any ideas?

  • Hey @nasaspaceboy,

    I can understand your frustration about this issue. Unfortunately sometimes third-party software can interfere with 1Password.
    The error message you're seeing in the logs indicates that something with higher privileges than 1Password is attempting to establish a connection.

    Can you please check Settings > Options > Browsers > Refused Connections and tell us if something shows up there?


  • nasaspaceboy
    Community Member

    systemwin by unidentified publisher process ID 2268

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @nasaspaceboy: Hmm. That's pretty cryptic, if the process isn't identifying itself either by name or vendor. I'm afraid your guess as to what's on your system trying to connect to 1Password is going to be better than mine. Do you have "security" software that may be trying to scan either 1Password or the browser? Let me know what you find!

  • nasaspaceboy
    Community Member

    It's telling me that the browser is an untrusted source when I try and use the extension.
    I have malwarebytes and CC Cleaner but don't have them running in the background.

  • nasaspaceboy
    Community Member

    1Password REFUSED connection from untrusted source

  • That's rather odd. Can you please run a scan of your machine with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?
    We're getting inconsistent results for what systemwin actually is.

This discussion has been closed.