Can't sign out account or sync vault with my account?

Can't find a sync option for my online account's vault, and it won't sync automatically.

So I tried to sign out to see if I sign in again the app will sync my online vault. But clicking the sign out option gives me no feedback, just nothing happened.

So what is wrong? Or can you give me a solution how to sync with my online vault?

PS: my iOS and Mac apps sync the vault correctly.

1Password Version: 6.1.296d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win 10, the latest
Sync Type: 1Password personal subscription's online vault


  • sid_chan
    Community Member
    edited November 2016

    The problem fixed.

    What I did:

    • Uninstall 1Password 4 from my PC. While keeps 1Password 6.
    • Quit 1Password 6 completely and launch it again.

    I don't know which step did the magic, however, I think it's not a bad idea if you can provide a sync button for the online vault. Just like the dropbox vault.

    Hope it helps.

  • Hi @sid_chan,

    Did you change your master password or the account key on the account website recently?

    The steps you took to fix this are not something that should be necessary. For one the presence 1Password 4 has no influence on 1Password 6 apart from the use of the 1Password browser extension.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and getting to the bottom of this.



  • sid_chan
    Community Member
    1. My old vault (used in 1Password 4 and sync with dropbox) has the different master password with the new online vault which comes with 1Password 6.
    2. I didn't change my master password or account key on account website.
    3. When install 1Password on my Windows PC, my online vault is empty, and I load the old dropbox vault with "open folder" option, not "sign in dropbox" option. While this old vault was still used by 1Password 4 on my PC at that time.
    4. I have problem in signing to dropbox and open vault from dropbox inside 1Password 6, that's why I load it with "open folder" option. (I live in China, dropbox is blocked by China. I can set socks5 proxy in dropbox app, but can't do this in 1Password6. I guess this is the reason I can't open dropbox inside 1Password6 app.)

    I am willing to provide more information if you need.

    Thank you

  • Hi @sid_chan,

    Thanks for the extra details.

    There were a few sync issues that we've fixed in the latest 6.1.296d update that we've shipped yesterday, this has addressed identical sync issues that you've mentioned. Is it possible this update was the one that fixed it?

    As for the proxy, if you've configured the IE settings to use your socks5 proxy, 1Password 6 should be able to use it. There are some certain setups where it won't work and we're working on improving the proxy support. If you're using an authenticated proxy, you might want to enter the credentials for it in 1Password 6's network settings, it may help.

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