No Chrome autofill shortcut, No auto password generation shortcut button in the form fields


I just got 1password for my PC. To my surprise, ctrl + \ doesn't enter the password in password fields. I have to click on the extension button and find and click on the password entry there to fill the password in. Is this an intended behavior? On a mac, cmd + \ seems working and filling passwords in the password field.
Also, whenever I change the password of an account, there is neither automatic password generation shortcut button that I can click on to fill a new password nor any shortcut keys I can use to bring the password generator window easily. The only way to do this is to do a left click on the 1password icon in the task bar and choose the password generator menu which I don't find the most intuitive. Please tell me if I don't know and actually they exist.



1Password Version: 6.1.296d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @max_1password,

    Thanks for writing in.

    To my surprise, ctrl + \ doesn't enter the password in password fields. I have to click on the extension button and find and click on the password entry there to fill the password in. Is this an intended behavior?

    No, it should be filling in your data just like Command + \ does on your Mac. Does this happen on all sites?

    What happens if you press Control + Alt + \, does it bring up 1Password mini?

    Also, whenever I change the password of an account, there is neither automatic password generation shortcut button that I can click on to fill a new password nor any shortcut keys I can use to bring the password generator window easily.

    There isn't a shortcut on macOS either to bring up the Password Generator, we might consider it for a future update.

    For now, what you can do is bring up 1Password mini with Control + Alt + \, click on the gear icon on top right to select Password Generator, click on Copy to copy the password and then paste the new password into the site.

    We are working to improve the 1Password mini experience on Windows, we will add category groupings along with the Password Generator and tags in the same view like you see in the macOS version. It will be identical to using 1Password mini on macOS but we don't have a timeframe on this.

  • max_1password
    Community Member

    Thank, MikeT. After reboot, it fills in passwords with ctrl + . With regard to the password generator shortcut, I had a rather good experience with LastPass. If you don't plan to put a shortcut button in the fields then at least a shortcut key combination that automatically generates following a set password rule and copy it into the clipboard would be more convenient than bringing up menus to choose the generator then generate.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @max_1password: I'm glad to hear that things are working after restarting Windows. Password generation is important, but not used with the frequency (or urgency) that login filling is. We also try to interfere with the webpage as little as possible since this can have undesired and unpredictable effects. So while I'm not sure that an additional keyboard shortcut devoted to password generation is necessary, it's certainly something we can consider for a future version. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

  • max_1password
    Community Member
    edited November 2016

    I understand what you are saying. But it can be a pretty frequent operation if someone just migrated to 1password. I think it is an important point as a business point of view, too. Adding a shortcut option where people can set a shortcut (or not) wouldn't hurt UI/UX and make the new switchers' life a bit easier.

  • We hear you.

    I've forwarded your request to our developers and we'll be taking a close look at this.

    We value and investigate every bit of feedback we receive, so keep it coming.



  • max_1password
    Community Member

    Thank you! I think the UI of Mac version is also good enough as the password generator is exposed and ready to be used in the Mac version unlike the PC version with which you have to bring up a separate window.

  • That leaves me curious.

    To invoke the strong password generator on the Mac, you need to activate 1Password mini (either in the menu bar or in the browser) and select the appropriate menu item.

    In 1Password 6 for Windows, you can either right-click the 1Password icon in the notification area of the task bar and select the strong password generator, or click the 1Password browser extension icon, then the gear icon, and then select the strong password generator.

    The paths are slightly different in the browser but not in the menu item.

  • max_1password
    Community Member

    I think Mac version is already achieving what I am suggesting, as cmd + \ brings up not only passwords but also a built in password generator. On a Mac, as a result, you don't have to click on the 1password icon and bring up a password generator window. It is like Mac version already has a shortcut keys for the password generator unlike the PC version.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @max_1password: As far as I know, 1Password for Mac doesn't have a keyboard shortcut for the password generator, but I see what you mean about having it in a separate menu in 1Password for Windows. That's something we'll definitely keep in mind as we develop the interface to accommodate Identities and Credit Cards as well. Thanks for your feedback on this! :)

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