feature request: move items between vaults [Available now in 6.6]

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

Currently to move an item between vaults you have to copy it then move it to trash, this needs to be streamlined ...

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey again @zfil

    Absolutely! This is going to be arriving in future releases as it is on our priority list among a number of other features. Thank you for your patience while we get this fixed up for you.


  • KramRM
    Community Member

    Second to this request. Move used to be available in older versions. I just inadvertently duplicated half the items in my vault instead of moving them to a shared vault.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @KramRM: Sorry for the inconvenience! We'll be streamlining the Move process in a future update. Thanks for your patience.

  • zfil
    Community Member

    Lot of promises but nothing to see :).

    I'm happy to have switched to the familly subscription, but the current windows client is really a pain to use and it is probably the ugliest windows application I've ever use. It makes my eyes cry blood. So I'm really awaiting improvements ...

    Frankly I understand you have trouble to communicate dates, but at least give us so roadmap (without dates)

  • Hi @zfil,

    I'm sorry to hear you don't like the interface, can you explain what makes it difficult to use for you? We do know we have a lot of work ahead of us to improve it, however I do want to make sure your pain points are on our list.

    Frankly I understand you have trouble to communicate dates, but at least give us so roadmap

    We don't release any details about the future as per our policy. Right now, our main focus on the next update is finishing up the item editor, so you can create custom fields which would enable multiple URLs, OTP tokens, and so on. Once this is implemented, it will enable more features to come faster but which features first, we don't know. It will be prioritized based on needs right now but only if it doesn't have other dependencies.

    At the same time, we're also working on adding full local vaults support that's highly requested, improvements to 1Password mini with category groupings in the default view, and so on.

  • zfil
    Community Member

    Hello Mike

    I'm sorry to hear you don't like the interface, can you explain what makes it difficult to use for you? We do know we have a lot of work ahead of us to improve it, however I do want to make sure your pain points are on our list.

    Well for one point the feature gap between v4 and v6, but what is very disappointing is that the form fill (witch is one of the core feature if not THE core feature) is less capable than before (subdomain matching, fail if no domain - ie LAN).
    The browser menu as well don't enable to access to directly to password generation (2 clics now), and it is not possible to force save a site.
    I as well miss quite often the popup windows to save a new site (it get behind the browser windows) - a header on top the browser windows like last pass would be better ...
    I miss as well a extension for Edge (as edge integrates well with parental controls ...)

    I like to have a compact view on the status of all my passwords (password strength, creation/modification date ...).

    Give the option to remove the grouping headers this is useless for most desktop users, and wasting SO much screen space.
    More generally the interface is to big, waste too much screen space and it is not customizable.

    Right now, our main focus. [...]

    Thanks for sharing this, this give hopes, frankly if this kind of message could be stickied and regularly updated with the content of your current developement sprints that would be great. It gives faith.

  • Hi @zfil,

    Thanks for the details, we really appreciate it.

    We have shipped the first beta for 1Password 6.2 with the item editor now that enables custom sections/fields, multiple URLs and more if you'd like to see the changes here without trying the beta.

    Well for one point the feature gap between v4 and v6, but what is very disappointing is that the form fill (witch is one of the core feature if not THE core feature) is less capable than before (subdomain matching, fail if no domain - i.e. LAN).

    That's due to the fact that 1Password 6 is a young (new codebase started earlier this year) app compared to 6-7+ year old 1Password 4, which was based on 1Password 1.x as well. We're working as fast as we can to re-implement all features but in a better and more efficient design, even though they may not look like it initially, it will be clear once we add more code.

    The form filling is currently weaker due to re-implementing the algorithms in the core of 1Password mini, we're a little behind in that area but it will get better soon.

    The browser menu as well don't enable to access to directly to password generation (2 clics now), and it is not possible to force save a site.

    We're going to redesign the default view of 1Password mini to have the category groupings, Password Generator, tags, and more, it will match the same 1Password mini experience on macOS.

    There will be support for manual Login saving as well as supporting password updates, no timeframe but they're definitely near the top of our list.

    I as well miss quite often the popup windows to save a new site (it get behind the browser windows)

    That's strange, it shouldn't be doing that and we haven't see it either. Which browser are you using?

    I miss as well a extension for Edge (as edge integrates well with parental controls ...)

    Microsoft is working on making this possible in a future Windows 10 update. Edge is missing the APIs support we need to enable 1Password extension but they are definitely working as fast as they can with us.

    I like to have a compact view on the status of all my passwords (password strength, creation/modification date ...). Give the option to remove the grouping headers this is useless for most desktop users, and wasting SO much screen space. More generally the interface is to big, waste too much screen space and it is not customizable.

    Agreed, we will polish the overall interface as soon as we implement more core features first. Right now, the UI is designed to run on all hardware forms by default; such as for tablets, thus the excessive whitespace.

    We are considering an interface option to switch to a very dense layout like in 1Password 4 and/or the top layout option in the macOS version of 1Password 6.

  • JoshMorgan
    Community Member
    edited December 2016

    I would also like to demand the ability to MOVE items between vaults without having to Copy and then delete items. I'm a long-time v4 user who just switched to v6 with a Families subscription specifically for the sharing ability, but I am utterly confounded by the inability to move items from one vault to another, especially considering that two different support articles falsely describe this non-existent functionality:

    Move items between vaults

    Share passwords and other items with your whole family

    Both articles say, without any disclaimer of version:

    You can copy multiple items at once in the 1Password app on your Windows PC.

    1. Open and unlock 1Password.
    2. Select an item. Select multiple items by holding down the Control key and selecting them. Select all the items in a list by pressing Ctrl+A.
    3. Tap or click Share, then select your Shared vault.

    But, nope, there is NO "Share" button to "tap or click" in the latest version for Windows, 1Password 6.2.333d

  • MikeT
    edited December 2016

    Hi @JoshMorgan,

    Thanks for letting us know, the articles predate 1Password 6 and I'll let the docs team know to update them to reflect the versions as it only works in 1Password 4 for now. We will add the ability to move items in a future update to 1Password 6 for Windows as well.

  • Wilhelm
    Community Member

    It's good to hear that a 'move' option is on the cards - it'll make things a lot easier especially considering the fact that on import from Version 4 I've lost all my 'folders'. My old 'folder' structure translates directly into 'vaults' and I'm not going to attempt sorting all that out until a 'move' is available.
    [I guess I'm just adding my voice to the choir in case there was any doubt about the need for this feature. :) Would love to get some notification once that's been added. Thanks for the good work!]

  • Hi @Wilhelm,

    Thanks for writing in, there are absolutely no doubts that this is coming. In fact, we consider this to be a bug, not a feature request.

    It is just that there are a few technical things we need to address before we can implement this option. A move is actually more complicated than it sounds, it copies while generating a new ID for the item to a separate vault and re-encrypt it with the vault's key and then delete the original copy. We have a few issues where it does finish the move and delete but the app refreshes two-three times in a row and takes you to a random item, making it a really awkward experience. That's just with one item, imagine the experience of multiple items.

    We're making progress on killing the refresh for every action you do and making the UI smart enough to know what you're doing, once it is better, you can expect a lot of features to be implemented quicker.

    When did you do the import? The reason I ask is that if you export the original vault to 1PIF and import that into your 1Password.com account, it will convert the folders to tags. We don't yet have this support for copying directly from the opened local vaults inside 1Password 6.

  • JoshMorgan
    Community Member

    I don't like to resurrect old threads, but since this was one of my own most eagerly awaited feature requests, I am thrilled to see that the ability to MOVE items between vaults has indeed been added to version 6.6.439


    Move items between vaults and/or 1Password accounts. The Copy button has been renamed to Share to accommodate the new Move feature. {OPW-376}

    In fact, there are a lot of welcomed additions to this latest release, including the ability to DUPLICATE items, enclose search terms in quotes for precise searches, CTRL+click to open the main app instead of the mini app, remembering window states and previously open vaults... it's all great.

  • Hi @JoshMorgan,

    Thanks for writing that and we're really happy to hear you're liking the 6.6 update.

    We'd love to know any other features you'd like us to work on, just to make sure we have it on our list.

This discussion has been closed.