How do I select import options?


I cannot import from a CSV or from Roboform or from LastPass or from Dashlane. That's because 1Password only appears to have the ability to import native .pif files. There is no way to select any other form of import file, in spite of what all your help files say...! How can I test your system if I cannot import?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @grahamjones: While 1Password doesn't know how to read proprietary data formats, you can use @MrC 's converter to get the data into a useable format for import into 1Password. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • grahamjones
    Community Member

    That kind of helps....the knowledgebase and all the help files say that to import you choose the file type, including CSV or LastPass export for instance. However, no such import file selection is present. Either the software has been updated and the knowledgebase hasn't or the software isn't installing correctly. Either way, this is a poor experience for a new user.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @grahamjones ,

    I"m guessing you are using version 6 of 1Password for Windows, which does not have full import support yet (only 1PIF). The instructions you've seen are for version 4, still available, but demoted in terms of visibility.

  • grahamjones
    Community Member

    Thanks for the clarification. The knowledgebase ought to make that clear. However, the lack of import means that to test the system I have got o recreate all my existing passwords from the manager I am trying to change. So, the lack of import means I will not test 1Password as I haven't got the time to do all that. So, farewell 1Password it was kind of nice knowing you, briefly. Shame. Potentially good software let down by bad communication, planning and thinking things through from the user perspective.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2016

    @grahamjones ,

    I'm just a user like you, so can't speak on AgileBits' behalf. I believe AgileBits focused their priorities on getting the software that worked best with Teams and Families into the public's hands, and conversion from other password managers took a back-seat role for the time being. There are a lot of things that have to change when you make a shift from one product to another, and I'm sure they just have not had the time to address all of them.

    But I think you're being a bit premature in just walking away, since there are very fast means to accomplish what you want to test (you do not have to manually re-create them as you're stating). But I'm kinda getting the impression you were not all that committed to or interested in the product, regardless.

    If you want help, I'll help get your data imported. Its a good product ecosystem, some components are as of yet incomplete. But then so are ALL of the competing products you've mentioned - they fail the same tests you're applying to 1Password -- Dashlane cannot export its data reliably and robustly, nor can Roboform, and LastPass for years had significant export issues, and NONE of those companies made these limitations known in their online documentation. I know these things, because I wrote the converters for them, and know their limitations intimately.

  • grahamjones
    Community Member

    Thanks @MrC for your concern and advice. It isn't just the import issue that's the problem. There has been one response from them to my concern, mentioning you, and ignoring the issue of the knowledgebase being misleading. Slow responses are no good from a password management company. They need to be faster and more agile. So, that's another reason not to use them. So too is the fact that they need you to make the import work. That suggests they are a smaller business than they make out; another reason not to stick around. I'm grateful for your explanation and your offer of help. However, too many things are colliding to reduce my confidence in 1Password and the company.

    There is a real opportunity for someone to get this right. LastPass has interface issues (leading to too many clicks on Chrome, for instance. Just to get a username and password into a page takes four clicks and Autofill just does not work at all..!) Dashlane just interrupts you when you don't want it and there is no way of controlling behaviours for specific sites/domains - it's all or nothing. Roboform is clunky and pops up when you no longer need it because you are already logged in (it cannot tell if you are logged in to a site if you move away from the login URL for that site to another page that contains a form). The new offering from AVG (I forget its name) is painfully slow; I mean really, really slow.

    And these are the "leading" examples in this sector. Pretty poor showing in my view...! Do these companies actually test their software in real user situations...? It doesn't seem to me that they do.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Yore welcome, @grahamjones. I get it.

    Users tend to focus... no obsess... about the one, two, or relatively few details they happen to encounter, and sometimes miss the forest for the trees.

    Software -- none if it -- is perfect, all of it having limitations in one area or another. So you pick the products, the tools, that work best for your needs, and stop fretting over the imperfections (a fools errand).

    In the end - we - the users bear some of the responsibility for the state of this semi-flawed software environment. We simply don't want to pay the true cost of software development, in fact, want it to be free, demand constant change, want infinite support and longevity, feel entitled to all of our pet feature enhancements, and want to be able to copy/use it whenever, where ever, and however. Its a crazy, faulty, unrealistic set of expectations.

    Best of luck in whatever you choose.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @grahamjones: I'm really sorry you felt I'd ignored your question. Since you were trying to import your data into 1Password, I didn't want to waste your time by nitpicking about documentation. As far as I can tell, our support site doesn't suggest using CSV to import, and makes a distinction between versions 4 and 6. And while the Windows user guide covers 1Password 4 specifically, I don't see any references there to importing. If there's something else I'm overlooking though, I'd be very grateful if you'd direct my attention to it so we can clarify things. But you didn't reference any documentation in particular in your comments or mention which version of 1Password you were using, so I thought it best from your perspective to focus on getting your data ready for import. I apologize if I misunderstood your intent. :blush:

    It certainly sounds like you have some negative experiences across the board, in addition to struggling with 1Password's import process and documentation, and I'm sad to hear that. It sounds like you may have already moved on to look elsewhere, and I hope that even if you don't end up using 1Password, you find a satisfying experience elsewhere so you can secure your most important data and make it easier to stay safe online. Better you use a competitor's product that meets your needs than nothing at all! But if choose to give 1Password a chance in the future, we're happy to help in any way we can, whether that be advice on how to convert data from another app, help with 1Password itself, or improvements we can make to our software and documentation that could help you and others. We're here for you. :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.