Totally /Confused with 1Password


So I have purchased a new computer and need to move my 1Password data from the old one to the new one.
I use Dropbox to keep data synced between multiple devices

1Password help got me to create a new account with a min 10 character password, and a long account key. How horrible! Will never remember this information!
Now I don't know how to keep my data synced between devices.

I don't want to have a fancy account.!

I simply want to move my data from my old computer to my new computer and continue to use Dropbox

How do I do this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • mohamedosman
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @TimTDP,

    I'm so sorry for the confusion here. If you want to continue using Dropbox, all you need is to download and install 1Password 4, and the Dropbox app on your new PC. Just follow these steps:

    1. Download and install 1Password 4 for Windows from here.
    2. Download and install Dropbox from here.
    3. Launch 1Password 4 and select "I have used 1Password before" to open your vault on Dropbox
    4. Find your vault in the Dropbox folder on your PC (It's usually in the "C:\Users\\Dropbox\Apps"), and select the "1Password.agilekeychain" folder.
    5. Enter you Master Password to unlock your vault.

    I hope this helps. Please try following these steps and let me know if you run into any trouble along the way, I'll be here to help :).

  • Qutrit
    Community Member


    I was wondering, does that mean that dropbox vaults will not be supported in version 6 for windows?

  • Hi @Qutrit,

    Right now, 1Password 6 already supports read-only local vaults that are synced via Dropbox (as well as OneDrive/any folder on your drive) but in the near future, it will be updated to support writing/modifying local vaults. For the moment, 1Password 6 is initially starting out as a Windows app for the users while local vault users should stick with 1Password 4.

    Over time, we will have one single app for everyone, we just need more time to make it happen.

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