Need to access login details in browser..

Hi, I have a really annoying problem and looking for your assistance as I cannot find anything to resolve my dilemma. Hope you can help?

Up until this morning I was using the Chrome Extension 3, absolutely loved it.

However, I have many logins (many bank, finance and credit card companies) where the webpages asked for certain characters of passwords e.g. 3rd character of pin, 8th character of password etc. In version 3 this was easily accessible without opening up the main Windows 1Password software.

Unfortunately I reluctantly stopped using version 3 of the Chrome extension due to vault remaining open and failing of auto complete on the majority of website, maybe as Chrome extension 4 was downloaded, and now I have deleted the extension, 3 that is not 4.

Now using version, I am now not able to gain access to login details and I'm having to open up the main 1Password software to get the information I need. This is not good, takes up too much time and feel that it is not only a retrograde but is really, really annoying!! Please tell me that there is a work around and how, or how to get version 3 back and be stable/auto complete?

Also, I note that as I have over 120 login details scrolling down is a complete pain as I cannot us my scroll wheel on my mouse. Is there the intention to add in a scroll bar to speed up scrolling up and down logins or enable the scroll wheel function?

Many thanks


1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 10 ver. 1607
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Need to access Login info in browser


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jawadds: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! When using the version 4 1Password extension, if you hover over a login, you can right-click to display its details. And clicking on a field will copy it to the clipboard. Also, rather than scrolling with the mouse, if you simply start typing with the extension open it will perform a search. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • jawadds
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty, thanks for the quick response, greatly appreciated.

    Unfortunately the option of just copying the password is no use to me, I need to be able to get into the actual login details to obtain the relevant information on passwords and pin numbers. I need to identify specific characters within passwords and or pin numbers for inserting in to several website login pages. This is something that I could do easily in the version 3 of the Win Chrome extension.

    Is there anyway I can obtain version 3 extension as version 4 does not offer me what I need?

    Again, with the scrolling issue, why remove something in a new version that was available in the previous version. Many of the webpages I log onto I don't use the keyboard and having to type in specific details takes longer and I would much prefer to just use the mouse and or scroll wheel. Please pass the request to update version 4 with scrolling options or to add scroll wheel functionality to your development team.

    I really wish I never deleted version 3, please can you provide a link to download Win Chrome Extension 3.

    Many thanks, John

  • Hi @jawadds,

    Is there anyway I can obtain version 3 extension as version 4 does not offer me what I need?

    Unfortunately, you cannot use 1Password 3 extensions anymore as it's severely outdated and has been blocked by the latest 1Password 4 update to avoid security issues. We've also blocked almost all extension versions prior to 4.6.x to ensure everyone is using the latest extensions.

    You can only use the latest 1Password 4.6 extensions with 1Password 4.

    Again, with the scrolling issue, why remove something in a new version that was available in the previous version.

    1Password extension 3.x was a self-contained extension with its own UI and database that could be used without using any external tools but you need to sync the data with the main 1Password app, this caused many issues related to syncing/outdated data. We've rebuilt 1Password 4 extension a few years ago that has no UI/data but communicates with the 1Password 4's Helper that's running on your computer, it renders the native UI and can access your 1Password data.

    The problem is that the native Windows menu design we have for 1Password Helper, Windows doesn't have scrolling support for it. We've tried hacking in the support but it was causing issues, so we couldn't make it happen. The only way to get scrolling support is to rebuilt the entire Helper system to avoid any menus or components that doesn't have built-in scrolling support.

    The slightly good news is we've done that in 1Password 6 and scrolling is supported in the new 1Password mini. In addition, we have support for Large Type window to let you see characters with its digits like this:

    While Large Type is activated from the main app only, we will add it to 1Password mini soon along with support for editing/viewing your data inline, meaning without opening the main app.

    You can give it a try if you want but 1Password 6 is not yet ready for local standalone users, which is the slightly bad news. We're working on making it happen as fast as we can but it may take a while.

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