Use an existing login at a new website

Every so often a website that I visit frequently will update its software. This just happened, for example, when my local public library migrated to a new (updated) version of the Overdrive library software. As a result of the migration, the web address of the sign in page has changed.

My old user ID and password will work at the new sign in page, but I cannot find a way to get 1Password to enter the data automatically. What I do instead is to open 1Password, navigate to the login entry for the old website, and then copy and paste my user ID and password into the appropriate boxes on the new page. Then I can save a new login in 1Password, and I can use that new saved login in the future, until the library updates its software again.

I would really like to get a one-click solution to this, so that I can go to the new login page and tell 1Password to 'log in here using the old data from there'.

So, is there already a simple way to do this and I just can't find it?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Use an existing login at a new website


  • MikeT
    edited November 2016

    Hi @Gary Y,

    Thanks for writing in.

    We disallow this from the start because it greatly reduces the phishing attacks. By not allowing you to select an existing item to fill on (typo), you'd start to ask why it doesn't fill and realize it is entirely a different site, now your data hasn't been exposed to the bad site. Another issue is that some sites can get hijacked and redirect you to a different site via iframe without you knowing and 1Password blocks the data being passed in because it can see the domains are different.

    What you can do is change the URL in the Login item to fix this, rather than recreating a new Login item. It usually should still work but if not, then yea, you would need to save a new Login item on the site, so the extension has the chance to analyze the site's design to fill better next time.

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