Why won't CSV import work?

I've just spend several hours over the last week trying to get 1Password to import a csv file. I've got 100+ logins that I'm trying to import. No matter what I do, nothing happens after I select the file and click import. I get a screen refresh with no new data or the program crashes. I've even entered a few logins directly into 1Password, exported them, then tried to re-import them. Nope, nothing works. By the way, the field labels after I exported from 1Password are not exactly the same as what is described in the 1Password help files. for example the help files show to label "URL" and the exported file shows "urls". Also help says "Notes" and the export shows "notesPlain". This should not be that difficult. I've pushed the file through Google Sheets, used Notepad and saved as a -8 file, tried a text file, you name it. Nothing works. I have access to the most common software on a PC, what should I try next? I'm on Windows 10 using the most current version of 1Password. Asking a new customer to jump through the hoops required in the community based converter is unacceptable. I've used CSV files to import data into many different applications, never had this kind of challenge. If 1Password won't import it's own export I've missed something big and obvious (help please) or the import function is seriously broken.

1Password Version: 6.1.296d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Family Account


  • mohamedosman
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @mwcraine, I'm sorry for the confusion here. 1Password 6 can only import .1Pif files despite being able to export CSV and plain text. This is an issue we're aware of and plan on fixing.

    Also, If I knew your reason for importing into 1Password 6, I think I could help you find an alternative route to accomplish your task. Can you tell me why you wanted to import this data into 1Password 6?

  • mwcraine
    Community Member

    Hello, I have been using an Excel spreadsheet to track my passwords. I have recently signed up to 1Password and want to get my data into your program. I've just signed up for the Family plan and am using 1Password on my Windows 10 desktop machine as well as an Android phone running Android N. I have 100+ logins I want to import.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2016

    Hi @mwcraine ,

    Two routes you can go to create the required 1PIF:

    1. Install 1Password 4 for Windows, import as CSV, and export as 1PIF. Be sure your CSV is formatted as required.
    2. Use the csv converter in the converter suite to convert the CSV into 1PIF. Use the 1.09 version in Testing Bits, mentioned in the first post of the thread.

    Once you have the 1PIF, you can import it into 1Password 6 for Windows.

  • mwcraine
    Community Member

    Thanks, just so I'm not misunderstanding something... My goal is to get my login data into my vault in my Family account. If I install version 4 and import it, wouldn't that get it into my vault? Do I need to export it and re-import it?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2016

    @mwcraine ,

    That's correct - you will export as 1PIF from version 4, and then import that 1PIF into version 6. The vault in V4 will be a local vault.

    AgileBits has not yet finished their CSV importer for V6, hence the inconvenience and sideways process.

  • mohamedosman
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @mwcraine, thanks for getting back to me.

    I would suggest importing your CSV into 1Password 4 first, then migrating your data over to 1Password 6. Here's how to do that:

    1. Follow the steps here to create a compatible CSV. It sounds like you've already followed this guide, if so, continue to next step.
    2. Download and install 1Password 4 from here.
    3. Launch 1Password 4 and create a new vault. You'll be using this vault later to migrate your data, so keep track of where you save it.
    4. Go to "File > import" and import the CSV file with your data.

    You should now have all your CSV data loaded into 1Password 4.

    Next to migrate your data to your 1Password account, launch 1Password 6 and follow the steps here

    Please let me know if you run into any trouble along the way.

  • mwcraine
    Community Member

    Ok, thanks for the detailed instructions. I'll give it a go today and let you know the results.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @mwcraine ,

    FYI - if you have more complex CSV data than 1Password 4 handles the way you want, consider using the csv converter instead. A key benefit, besides being more forgiving and more debug-able, is that you can get custom fields / and labels. If you think the process is beyond your comfort zone, I'm happy to help, including remote assistance. Just ask.

    However you get your data imported, I'm sure you'll enjoy 1Password as much as I have!

  • mwcraine
    Community Member

    All is well. I installed v4 as you suggested and did the import. Everything lined up. I then installed 6 and moved the data over. Thanks for your assistance on this. Can you point out where I missed the information stating that v6 can't import a csv. I would have saved hours of time. The method you suggested above took less than 5 minutes.

  • mohamedosman
    1Password Alumni

    @mwcraine I'm so happy you got things working!

    Can you point out where I missed the information stating that v6 can't import a csv.

    This is the fault of 1Password 6, and I apologize for that. I'll make a note of this issue now, and make sure it's addressed in a future build of 1Password 6.

  • mwcraine
    Community Member


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry again for the confusion there. Thanks for your understanding. We'll make that clearer.

This discussion has been closed.