Difference between version 4 and version 6 for Windows



  • twilsonco
    Community Member

    Thanks guys. Got the coupon code. Happy to support such a great product. Having moved back to Windows, I can say that the combined use of versions 4 and 6 is choppy compared to 1Password Mac version 6 (though still better than any other solution out there).

    Is the 1Password for Families on Windows 10 a more polished interface?

    Thanks again,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @twilsonco: No problem! I'm sorry for the confusion! The new 1Password 6 Windows desktop app is the native client for the 1Password subscription service. We'll be adding more features and full support for local vaults in going forward, but for now if you're not using a 1Password Account, there's no reason to use it. And certainly versions 4 and 6 aren't intended to be run concurrently, so it's best to use one or the other. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • twilsonco
    Community Member

    I use version 6 for it's ability to search all vaults at once, and the version 6 mini and browser extensions are clunky but functional. The only hassle is using version 4 if I want to make any changes or get to attachments, and any changes need a sync in version 6 to appear. But again, better than any alternative, especially with the amount of information I have in my vaults. It's like Scrooge McDuck, but with passwords.

    So, just to clarify; the 1Password 6 that I'm current using with vaults read-only is the same interface I'd be using if I became a subscriber?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @twilsonco,

    I hope you don't mind, but I've moved this part of your discussion to our Windows forum in case you have additional questions that our Windows experts can help to answer. :)

    I use version 6 for it's ability to search all vaults at once, and the version 6 mini and browser extensions are clunky but functional.

    That's definitely an interesting reason for using both versions (4 and 6) of 1Password for Windows on your PC, and I hadn't thought of that before. Our Windows team will continue to improve support for local vaults in version 6, and we appreciate your feedback about what features will help you switch over completely!

    It's like Scrooge McDuck, but with passwords.

    I love it! :lol: Now I'm trying to imagine Scrooge McDuck diving into & swimming through a vault full of passwords. ;)

    So, just to clarify; the 1Password 6 that I'm current using with vaults read-only is the same interface I'd be using if I became a subscriber?

    That's correct - 1Password accounts are fully supported in 1Password 6, but not at all in 1Password 4.

    We're here for you if you have more questions or need anything else! :)

  • twilsonco
    Community Member

    So when you say that one password accounts are fully supported, you mean that attachments will show up, and that volts become editable within one password six?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @twilsonco: Almost. 1Password Accounts support Documents, not Attachments. They're similar, but they're separate items, rather than being part of another. And vaults belonging to 1Password Accounts are fully supported, so creating and editing items is possible there. It will be in the future for local vaults too, but given 1Password.com users didn't have a Windows app at all, it was important that we build that out first. I hope this helps!

  • twilsonco
    Community Member

    Can you point me to some documentation about Documents (seem's redundant...) so that I can better understand the difference beteween them and Attachments?

  • Hi @twilsonco,

    It's on our queue to add a support article on the differences but we don't have one right now.

    First, attachments do not exist for 1Password.com, instead you have Documents, which is a category that hold items storing files.

    The idea is that you would share these Document items between accounts, like family members, invited guests, and teammates in other 1Password.com accounts that you would be using. If you attach such a file to a Login item, you wouldn't want to share the entire Login item with the attachment to other folks but you would with a Document item instead.

    In the near future, this would be easier to use when we update the UI to support Related Items completely, so you can add the said Document item as a related item to a Login item.

  • twilsonco
    Community Member

    I see. So the Document is another class of 1Password item, like a Login, Credit Card, etc. While a Document is a standalone item, it can be linked to another item (e.g. a login) so that it effectually acts as the login's attachment(s) and is easily accessed through and visible in the login item's info.

    Furthermore, a single Document item can hold several files.

    Have I understood correctly?

  • Hi @twilsonco,

    I see. So the Document is another class of 1Password item, like a Login, Credit Card, etc.

    Yes, it is a another category like Login/Credit card, etc.

    Document is a standalone item, it can be linked to another item (e.g. a login) so that it effectually acts as the login's attachment(s) and is easily accessed through and visible in the login item's info.

    As soon as the UI is cleaned up across all apps, yes.

    Furthermore, a single Document item can hold several files.

    No, it can only hold one attachment at a time. Each file is a separate document item in your 1Password account.

  • twilsonco
    Community Member

    No, it can only hold one attachment at a time. Each file is a separate document item in your 1Password account.

    And a single Document can be related to multiple items (logins, etc.) and a single other item (e.g. login) can be related to multiple documents?

    Does that also mean that other categories (login, credit card, etc.) can be related to each other and thus have links to other items in them?

  • Hi @twilsonco,

    And a single Document can be related to multiple items (logins, etc.) and a single other item (e.g. login) can be related to multiple documents?


    Does that also mean that other categories (login, credit card, etc.) can be related to each other and thus have links to other items in them?

    Yep. Here's an example in the macOS version of 1Password:

  • twilsonco
    Community Member

    Wow. That's fancy. How much of this is available within the Windows 10 version 6 GUI?

    Will documents become a feature of standalone 1Password?

    Is there a convenient way to migrate attachments to documents, automatically relating the newly created documents to the items for which they were originally attachments?

  • Hi @twilsonco,

    Wow. That's fancy. How much of this is available within the Windows 10 version 6 GUI?

    It can read them just fine but it won't let you add new items as related. This will likely be added when we add full support for custom fields and sections.

    Here's the same item in 1Password 6 on Windows:

    Will documents become a feature of standalone 1Password?

    No, this is only 1Password.com service. Local vault formats will use attachments instead.

    Is there a convenient way to migrate attachments to documents, automatically relating the newly created documents to the items for which they were originally attachments?

    This is something we're working on, we already do this in the macOS version of 1Password but we don't have a timeframe on when the Windows version of 1Password 6 gets this support.

  • twilsonco
    Community Member

    Maybe keep a macOS VM around for the heavy lifting then :)

    Love what you guys are doing. Thanks for all the answers. Looking forward to the next stage of the W10 version!

    Take Care,


  • You're welcome!

    :smile: We are working as fast as we can to get the Windows app to match and/or even exceed the macOS version (don't tell them).

This discussion has been closed.