1password for windows v6,

Hi, I bought 1password for windows v6, downloaded the app on my windows 10 laptop, added some attachments but can't see them on my 1password on my iPhone 5. Any suggestions? Thanks!

1Password Version: 6.1.296d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Hi I bought 1password for windows, downloaded app on laptop, but can't see attachments on my iPhone.


  • Hi @Raoul_Raijmakers,

    Thanks for writing in.

    First, can you confirm if you see these Document items with the attachments when you sign in to your 1Password account on 1Password.com web app using Chrome or Firefox on your PC?

    If yes, then that helps us narrow it down to your iPhone. On your iPhone, when you said you don't see them, do you mean you see the Document items but it has no attachments that you can download? 1Password doesn't download files by default, it requires you to tap on them to download it on the fly.

    Please let me know.

  • Raoul_Raijmakers
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,
    No I can not see the attachments on my PC when I log in via my browser.
    The story is as follows:
    Previously I used a trial 1pw version 4 in which I created a 1pw file on my Dropbox account which I know see when I login via my browser. (and also on my iPhone I guess).
    How can I sync the user data I have in my 1pw version 6 to my Dropbox so I can access the attachments via my iPhone? I assume I do not need to buy the $9,99 app in the App store correct?
    Thanks for your help.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi @Raoul_Raijmakers,

    Thanks for writing back with the details, that helps a lot.

    Previously I used a trial 1pw version 4 in which I created a 1pw file on my Dropbox account which I know see when I login via my browser. (and also on my iPhone I guess).

    There are two separate 1Password products that we offer, 1Password.com cloud subscription service and standalone 1Password programs. The latter is the one that has local vault files that you can sync with Dropbox but it does not come with access to 1Password.com web app.

    1Password.com service lets you access your 1Password data anywhere you want using your own 1Password.com account that you can log in on the web site, 1Password.com, and/or any 1Password apps that supports 1Password.com, such as 1Password 6 for Windows.

    1Password 6 for Windows, at the moment, does not support reading attachments from the local vault files that you've created in 1Password 4.

    If you want to use local vault files, you would have to use 1Password 4 for Windows that has full support for local vaults, including attachments.

    How can I sync the user data I have in my 1pw version 6 to my Dropbox so I can access the attachments via my iPhone?

    First thing we need to figure out, do you want to use 1Password.com cloud subscription service or do you want to just use Dropbox to sync your data?

    If you want to use the local vault option with Dropbox, then you have to switch to 1Password 4 for Windows that you can find here: http://agilebits.com/downloads

    I assume I do not need to buy the $9,99 app in the App store correct?

    Only if you have a valid 1Password.com account, 1Password.com subscription comes with all 1Password.com compatible apps included in its fees.

    For local vaults, you would need to purchase a license for each platform you want to use 1Password on, including the iOS and Android apps.

  • Raoul_Raijmakers
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    Pff it's complicated.
    Anyway, What I am looking for is access to my data from anywhere so I assume the cloud service is right for me.
    Dropbox combined with loacl vaults sounds like a different way to the same goal.
    If I use the cloudservice can I upload and view both my passwords, logins etc as well as my attachments (at no additonal cost apart from the license I already bougt)? Odd thing is when I log in on my cloud account I get the message that my account is frozen (looks liked its been linked to my free subscription which has ended. How can I proceed?
    Thanks for your patience.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    If I use the cloudservice can I upload and view both my passwords, logins etc as well as my attachments (at no additonal cost apart from the license I already bougt)?

    @Raoul_Raijmakers: All of the apps are included in the 1Password.com subscription, along with automatic sync: you just login to your 1Password Account on each device to access your data.

    Odd thing is when I log in on my cloud account I get the message that my account is frozen (looks liked its been linked to my free subscription which has ended. How can I proceed?

    If you'd like to go with the subscription instead, we can credit your account for the license purchase. Just let us know what you'd prefer and we'll get you taken care of. :)

  • Raoul_Raijmakers
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty,
    Sorry to be such a pain, I am fine with the subscription as such but still do not understand how I can both use 1password and view my attachments on my iphone either via dropbox or via the cloud, so if you can guide me on that I'd be more than happy. If I have to set up a a new agile keychain that is fine with me. Thanks for your patience.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Raoul_Raijmakers: You're not being a pain at all! This is what we're here for. ;)

    With the Pro Features, 1Password for iOS can view attachments from a local vault (OPVault or AgileKeychain) or Documents from a 1Password Account which have been added using the desktop apps. Note that while the Pro upgrade is an in-app purchase for the standalone app, this is included as part of a 1Password.com subscription.

    If you can tell me what you'd like to do, I'll be happy to help you get things setup. :)

  • Raoul_Raijmakers
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty, thanks for your answer.
    Since I think the cloud based version of 1Pwd v6 is the way to go I 'll opt for that.
    How do I go on from there? I already have that version on my windows laptop.
    Best Regards, Raoul

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Raoul_Raijmakers: Sounds good! I've refunded your license purchase, and you should see that reflected in your account (whichever you'd used to pay) in a matter of days.

    Just login to your 1Password Account account and setup billing, and you'll be able to use it fully. Then, add your 1Password Account to the app, and transfer your data there:

    Migrate to a 1Password Account

    And if you have any questions at all, just let me know. :)

  • Raoul_Raijmakers
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty,
    I switched to 1pwd v6 and it works fine now.
    Thanks for your help!
    Best regards,


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excellent! Thanks for following up. You are most welcome! I'm glad to hear that all is well, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. Cheers! :)

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