Problem with accessing 1password: Too many requests. Try again after


Today we have problem. When someone from our team tries to login in browser we have seen this message
"Too many requests. Try again after 2016-11-17 05:21:39 +0000 UTC". What is cause of it? Can you remove our ip from blacklist?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @XuMEPA! I'm sorry for the trouble. For the server's security, there is a rate limiter that stops you from making more requests to the server after a certain number. In a recent version of 1Password for Windows there was a bug where the limiter was triggered by the app. Please update 1Password on your computer by opening and unlocking it, then choosing the settings menu and clicking Options -> Update. You can also install the latest version directly from our website.

    Once you have the latest version, wait a little bit and the limiter should subside so you can sign in elsewhere. Hope that helps!

  • brett611
    Community Member

    Hi - I have the same problem. I have a family account, with the app installed on my android phone, win 7 laptop, macbook pro. All 3 have different totals for records. I only get this error message on my win 7 laptop.

    I am using Windows version 6.1.296 and it says there are no updates available. Should I be uninstalling/reinstalling?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @brett611: Definitely don't remove anything. Have you received a banner notification in 1Password for Windows indicating what's happened? Are you able to login to your account on Please let me know what you find!

  • brett611
    Community Member
    edited November 2016

    Thanks -

    Yesterday I was able to login to the web account 50% of the time, the remainder I was blocked with "Too many requests". I have an email thread going with support about this but saw that forum questions are responded to faster so there's some duplication of support going on (FYI). I sent in my diagnostic log and was told to:

    [Edited by MikeT: Removed private instructions that may not work for everyone]

    I've done that and after trying to re-launch 1password it now won't open and gives the "Too many requests" error. I'm logged into the web account now as I need to have access to my pswrds...

  • brett611
    Community Member

    Ok. Now Im unable to access the web account or the win app for 50 minutes.

    This has gone from a minor annoyance to now a critical problem as im unable to log into any website unless i remember the password, which is why I am using a password manager in the first place

  • MikeT
    edited November 2016

    Hi @brettr,

    Thanks, we'll reply to your email soon.

    Please try to wait for our email team to reply to you first before replying again in the forum and also, try not to share private instruction in the public forum because it is specific to your issue and won't work for everyone. I've edited your post to remove it.

    In addition, the rate limiter is based on your IP address, which means that the app will not be able to log in until the timer expires or we get rid of your IP address off our list manually.

  • Hi @XuMEPA,

    Can you email us your 1Password diagnostics report from the person that is seeing that message? Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • brett611
    Community Member

    Thanks Mike. I'm now able to log into both win app and website and syncing is working again. Appreciate everyones help

  • That's great, thanks for letting us know.

This discussion has been closed.