1Password Helper is not starting up upon reboots

This discussion was created from comments split from: 1Password says "Looking for the 1Password Helper".


  • ajakowenko
    Community Member

    Every day when I boot up my Dell XPS 13 running Window 10, I start Chrome and the 1password extension does not respond at all...or it will open a new tab and say it's looking for the 1Password Helper. EVERY. DAY. Then I have to open the 1Password main application, go to Help, and choose "Resart 1Password Helper". EVERY. DAY.

  • Hi @ajakowenko,

    Thanks for writing in. That sounds like 1Password Helper is not auto-starting for you, this usually is a specific configuration issue on Windows.

    First, can you do a reboot once more and this time, don't open anything yet. Wait until it seems like Windows is done loading and then right-click on the taskbar to select Task Manager. Click on More Details on the bottom and then in the Processes tab, search for 1Password (32-bit) with the white lock icon, do you see it?

    If you don't, select the Startup tab on top and see if 1Password has been disabled to start up. If yes, click on it to enable it. After that, reboot once more and see if it works better now.

  • ajakowenko
    Community Member

    Yup, it was there after startup. See attached screenshot. Then the next thing I tried to do was click on the 1Password Chrome extension and sure enough, nothing. No response. I then had to do what I always do, which is start 1Password and restart the helpter.

  • Hi @ajakowenko,

    I apologize if I wasn't clear enough, your screenshot shows the main program, not 1Password Helper. I meant the one with the white lock icon next to it below the Background processes like this:

  • scrosland
    Community Member

    I appear to have the same problem with the helper not starting up after a reboot. This is my task manager list immediately after a reboot

    and this is all the likely processes that powershell can find:

    PS > Get-WmiObject win32_process | Where-Object {$_.CommandLine -imatch "1pass"} | Format-List -Property Name,Path
    Name : AgileBits.OnePassword.Desktop.exe
    Path : C:\Users\scrosland\AppData\Local\1Password\app\6\AgileBits.OnePassword.Desktop.exe
    PS >

    This is on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393], 64-bit.

  • mohamedosman
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @scrosland,

    ajakowenko was having this issue with 1Password 4, it looks like you're using 1Password 6. If so, can you confirm that you have this option in the settings turned on:

  • scrosland
    Community Member

    Yes, that option is enabled and probably explains the main 1Password application that you see running above. Perhaps the helper is not required with v6 on Windows 10 but I thought it was always required as the "glue" between the main process and the browser extension?

  • ajakowenko
    Community Member

    I checked my task manager the last 2 days and 1Password does come up in the Background Processes after full startup. Yesterday the Chrome extension worked on first attempt, but today it does not. Had to go into 1Password and restart the helper again today. I'm confused by the fact that I didnt have to do this yesterday but had to do it today (and most all other days). I have no idea what the difference is between 1Password 4 and 1Password 6 or which is better, but I'm running the lastest version of 4.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ajakowenko: I'm sorry for the confusion! 1Password 4 works with local vaults, whereas 1Password 6 is required for the subscription service.

    That's really odd that you're having to start the Helper manually. Are you maybe trying to use 1Password before Windows is finished loading everything? Do you see 1Password listed under Task Manager > Startup?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @scrosland: This is a bit confusing, but 1Password 6 has no Helper process. The main app manages everything, so it will need to be running in order to use the browser extensions. It's able to run in the notification area though, to stay out of your way when you don't need it. There are pros and cons to both approaches, but having a single app at least helps prevent issues with some "security" software interfering.

  • ajakowenko
    Community Member

    Yes 1Password is listed in Task Manager > Startup, but most days it doesnt seem to show up under Background Processes, only under Apps (see screenshot). Today I waited 2 hours before trying to use the Chrome extension and nothing...still had to open 1Password and restart the helper like most days. =(

  • Hi @ajakowenko,

    Thanks for writing back, that helps narrow it down to a Windows or configuration issue.

    Our first suggestion is to try reinstalling 1Password 4, this won't remove your data but it should clean up and update the registry entries, and hopefully, Windows will start it consistently for you.

    1. Uninstall 1Password from the Control Panel > Remove Programs
    2. Reboot the PC
    3. Download and install the latest version of 1Password 4 from here: http://agilebits.com/downloads
    4. Reboot once more and see if 1Password Helper starts correctly all the time now

    Let us know if it helps. If not, please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

This discussion has been closed.