i cannot reinstall password version 4 please help


"error when trying to rename file in destination directory Move file failed; code 183 cannot create a file when that file exists."
I started to sync my 2 windows computers 6 hours ago.
I backed up the vaults to dropbox and icloud and onedrive and my computer.
Along the way I tried to delete and reinstall 1 password 4 and 6. I couldn't get the right vault installed so I deleted everything I could find from PCs.
After hours and hours trying I cannot get it reinstalled.
Even using my original key download link and I cannot reinstall the program always same error message.
Thank you

Thank you for the help

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:i cannot reinstall password version please help


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Gadget65: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! I'm not sure I quite understand what you're trying to do though, and without some basic information that you left out of your post it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me the OS, 1Password, and device versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can figure out the best plan of action:


    The more information you can give, the better. For instance, what exactly are you deleting? Which device do you have your 1Password data on currently? Thanks in advance! :)

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