I am unable to sign out of an account in 1Password 6 on my PC


I currently have two accounts in my 1Password 6 for PC client. One is a new family account I have with my bf and it's fine. The other was a personal account I deactivated on 1password.com a week or so ago. After doing so my 1Password 6 PC client displays a red banner at bottom left reading [My Name] authentication error, please sign in again. If I click that banner, I am taken to the signin screen with the email and account key of the closed account.

I want to remove this account from my 1Password app. However when I go to settings icon > Accounts & Vaults > [My Name] > Sign out, nothing happens. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and it remembers both accounts. How can I simply purge the installation of all accounts and start over?

Thank you!

1Password Version: 1Password 6.1.308d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1
Sync Type: 1Password
Referrer: forum-search:i can't sign out of an account


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @npasqua,

    Thank you for reaching out and using 1Password Families! I hope you like it just as much as we do. :)

    I am sorry for the situation. We will take a closer look at this case, but in the meantime, please try to do the following:

    1. Open Windows File Explorer and enter the following in the address bar: %LOCALAPPDATA%\1Password
    2. Rename data folder to old-data
    3. Open 1Password and sign in with your Families account.

    Please let me know if it helps. Thank you!


  • npasqua
    Community Member

    Thanks so much, Greg. That did the trick. I really appreciate it!

  • On behalf of Greg, you're welcome. We will fix the issue with the signing out process and updating the app's local database password when the primary account has been signed out.

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