Unable to update 1Password for Windows (non-admin user)


I’m currently using 1Password version on a fairly locked down corporate Windows7 system. I am able to run an executable with elevated perms (essentially as administrator), which is how I normally install non-corporate applications, including this 1Password.

Typically, when application updates are needed, I can launch the app w/elevated perms, and use the app’s check for updates feature, which runs the download and installs with those same already elevated permissions. That is not working that way with the updater’s attempt to download and install version After download the updater fails with inadequate perms.

My guess is it’s using an external installer that is running as the logged-in user, as opposed to the elevated user that launched the 1Password app. If I could separately download an update, that could be run elevated, and work around the problem. Or, similarly if an entire 1Password installer can be used to update the existing install, that could work around this.

Appreciate any suggestions.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7 Enterprise
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @david2stone: Indeed, you can always download the app directly from our site, but here's a direct link to the release notes where you can grab the new version:

    1Password for Windows version 4

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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