I cant get my keepass2 import working.. [SOLVED]

Community Member
edited January 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows

So this probably has been posted a lot.

I can't seem to get the import working.. I install the portable strawberry perl (tried both 32 and 64 bit).
I make the C:\MyPerl folder, run the terminal, install the 3 modules successfully.
I export the keepass 2 file to xml. try the converter and keep getting this:

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at convert_to_1p4.pl line 15

What should I do...? We're looking for a good password management software, I dislike lastpass, really wanna try 1 Password but I can't get the import to work.

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hello @hdb1,

    Sorry for your troubles.

    There is some of the diagnostics lines missing from your post above, so I'm not certain what the issue is. Can you copy and paste the entire output from the command window here so I can see what the issue is? I'm guessing you had some problems with a module's installation, likely is was the Date::Calc module.

    Alternatively, if you want remote help, let me know and I'm happy to walk you through the process via screen sharing - we'll do this safely and securely, and we'll make sure you don't share any sensitive data. Your choice.

  • hdb1
    Community Member
    edited January 2017

    Hi @MrC

    Thank you for your swift response

    Welcome to Strawberry Perl Portable Edition!
    * URL - http://www.strawberryperl.com/

    * see README.TXT for more info

    Perl executable: C:\MyPerl\perl\bin\perl.exe
    Perl version : 5.24.0 / MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int

    C:\MyPerl>cpan Text::CSV
    Loading internal null logger. Install Log::Log4perl for logging messages
    CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.211)
    Database was generated on Mon, 02 Jan 2017 11:12:58 GMT

    CPAN: Module::CoreList loaded ok (v5.20160507)
    Text::CSV is up to date (1.33).

    C:\MyPerl>cpan Date:Calc
    Loading internal null logger. Install Log::Log4perl for logging messages
    CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.211)
    Database was generated on Mon, 02 Jan 2017 11:12:58 GMT

    CPAN: Module::CoreList loaded ok (v5.20160507)
    Date::Calc is up to date (6.4).

    C:\MyPerl>cpan XML::XPath
    Loading internal null logger. Install Log::Log4perl for logging messages
    CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.211)
    Database was generated on Mon, 02 Jan 2017 11:12:58 GMT

    CPAN: Module::CoreList loaded ok (v5.20160507)
    XML::XPath is up to date (1.40).

    C:\MyPerl>cd c:\Users\hidde.RRBLAN\Desktop\convert_to_1p4

    c:\Users\hidde.RRBLAN\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>perl convert_to_1p4.pl keepass2 -v ../"Hidde Passes Werk.xml"
    Can't locate Utils/PIF.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Utils::PIF module) (@INC contains: C:/MyPerl/perl/site/lib C:/MyPerl/perl/vendor/lib C:/MyPerl/perl/lib .) at convert_to_1p4.pl line 15.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at convert_to_1p4.pl line 15.


    The error suggests installing Utils::PIF, It's apparently not a module. I'm not familiar with perl so hopefully this doesn't make me look stupid :-)

    What do you think could be the problem?
    I'm not sure where you are located but screen sharing works for me.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2017


    You're welcome.

    Your modules installs look fine - no need to run those commands again.

    The error is occurring because from the directory where you are running perl against the convert_to_1p4.pl script, there is no file named Utils\PIF.pm. It should be there, and would be there, but I suspect you have unpacked your archive such that there might be additional directories, or you moved the script somehow out of the folder.

    You should have the convert_to_1p4.pl script, and also folders Utils and Converters, and some others, all within the folder named convert_to_1p4. When you placed the convert_to_1p4 folder onto your Desktop, you didn't by chance also move the contents of that folder onto your Desktop, did you?

    From within the convert_to_1p4 folder, run the command


    and post the output. It should look like:

     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 6870-1887
     Directory of C:\Users\MrC\Desktop\convert_to_1p4
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          .
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          ..
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          AppleScript_Conversion_Helper.app
    08/26/2016  08:27 AM            14,741 Changes.txt
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          Converters
    01/22/2016  07:23 AM             4,825 convert_to_1p4.pl
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          JSON
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          Languages
    06/18/2016  12:45 PM            62,832 README.md
    06/18/2016  12:48 PM           170,838 README.pdf
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          Text
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          Utils
    09/01/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          UUID
                   4 File(s)        253,236 bytes
                   9 Dir(s)  36,679,729,152 bytes free

    Note the presence of the script, the folders, READMEs, etc.

    Also, your command should be

    perl convert_to_1p4.pl keepass2 -v ..\"Hidde Passes Werk.xml"

    Note the reverse slash, not forward slash you had above.

    Also, be sure you are using the 1.09 version of the converter suite in Testing Bits - it updates the keypass2 converter to support password histories.

  • hdb1
    Community Member
    edited January 2017


    Thanks, I've got a little further (I hope)
    I've downloaded the version you suggested just to be sure (think it was the same one)

    I get this error now:

    c:\Users\hidde.RRBLAN\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>perl convert_to_1p4.pl keepass2 ../"pm_export.txt"
    Uncaught exception from user code:
    Cannot open file '../pm_export.txt' at C:/MyPerl/perl/site/lib/XML/XPath.pm line 117.
    XML::XPath::new("XML::XPath", "filename", "../pm_export.txt") called at Converters/Keepass2.pm line 58
    Converters::Keepass2::do_import("../pm_export.txt", undef) called at convert_to_1p4.pl line 123

    I've noticed how much you provide this community with answers so I wanted to thank you in advance.

    Im up for a screen sharing session if you can as well?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @hdb1,

    That doesn't seem to be the correct export file name? Yours above was:

    ..\"Hidde Passes Werk.xml"

    but now you are using:


    which was just a recommended name I suggested for the sake of the README file and ease of directions.

    If / when you want to screenshare, reach out to me at my email, which is at the top of the convert_to_1p4.pl script. Open it with a text editor to see it. I'm on Pacific time (PST).

  • hdb1
    Community Member


    I've sent you a join.me screen sharing invitation

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Ok, @hdb1 and I worked out the problem via remote screensharing. The problem was that the export file was not on the Desktop and once we discovered where it was (in the converter's directory), we adjusted the command to specify that path name. Then the conversion worked without a hitch.

    Enjoy 1Password!

  • hdb1
    Community Member

    Once again, thank you so much @MrC !

    Cheers :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    That's great to hear! And be sure to let us know if you have any questions about 1Password as you're integrating it into your digital life. We're here for you! :)

  • hdb1
    Community Member

    @brenty Thanks!

    1 question.. is it possible for teams to use dropbox for the vault and sync that instead of using the cloud?
    Having an offline backup like that would be a big plus for us
    I've noticed there is an offline vault option but I have the idea this is only for personal use, I am right about that?

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @hdb1: On behalf of Brenty you are welcome!

    is it possible for teams to use dropbox for the vault and sync that instead of using the cloud?

    Dropbox is a cloud as well, isn't it? ;)

    At the moment, it is not possible for Teams account to have local vaults, but local backups for 1Password.com accounts is something we are asked about regularly. Please see this reply from Roustem to learn more about this question.

    It is also worth noting that the cloud-based nature of 1Password Teams allow us to introduce features that are not possible with the local vaults. For example, web access on 1Password.com, automatic syncing, item history, secure sharing with team members.

    I hope it helps. If you have additional questions or want to elaborate on this one, please let us know and let's keep this conversation going. Thank you! :)


  • hdb1
    Community Member


    True, but the difference is I can make backups of the vault in that scenario. (we're still rocking the oldskool on-site backups!)

    But lets say, a meteor wipes out all your data stored in the amazon datacenters
    (asking for a friend)

    Could you still see the passwords cached on the app on your phone?

    Typing 1000 passwords back into keepass wouldn't be a fun job but knowing you can always look at the passwords would be nice.
    Because if I understand correctly the app doesn't need internet connectivity?

  • MikeT
    edited January 2017

    Hi @hdb1,

    That would require multiple meter strikes or one big one that would wipe out humanity as well considering Amazon have multiple redundant servers around the planet.

    However, I do understand that is not the point. All 1Password apps will download all of your data except for your attachments the very first time you unlock it and it will not require the internet access after that to access your data. The attachments are downloaded upon your manual request, meaning that you have to visit the Document item and click to download it. This saves the need to download up to 1GB of potential attachments on each device you have.

    So, to lose the 1Password data completely, not only would there have to be multiple meter strikes on the planet, you would also have to have no 1Password app installed anywhere on your computer, mobile devices, and so on as well as their backups.

This discussion has been closed.