Is there a way to change the size of the lists in 1 password 6? If not... feature request!


I have been a 1password 4 user for a long time for my job, as well as a dashlane for my personal stuff. My biggest grip with dashlane is the UI. The icons are huge and i can only see a handful of password items in a list at any given time. There is no way to make the list smaller. For this reason I have always felt that 1password 4 had a superior interface. I could easily see a list of 50 passwords in a folder and get exactly what I needed without painful scrolling. I was recently considering moving my personal passwords to 1password and was excited to see 1password 6 had been released. However, after testing I was very disappointed to find that that 1password adopted the Dashlane mega list. The list items are simply too large. Any list over 13 or so items (about 20 when maximized) will require scrolling or searching. That's an added step in my book and makes the software less efficient. Now i'm not against the new layout altogether. I'm sure it's helpful for some, especially those using touch screens. However, the option to revert back to a legacy view with small fonts and tight lists would make me switch in a heartbeat. Until that feature is implemented (or maybe it is and I am just missing it), the new version sadly offers no advantage to my current workflow with dashlane.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:list size


  • Hi @curtisxtego,

    Thanks for writing in.

    1Password 6 is currently designed with all form factors in mind, including tablets and computers with touchscreen. It certainly does have more whitespace than usual compared to 1Password 4.

    We are looking into the possibility of adding the column/top layout as a UI option to 1Password 6, for a more compact and dense interface like you see in 1Password 4 and optional in 1Password 6 for macOS but it is not high on our list right now. We still have a lot of work to do for 1Password 6 first and right now, the interface you're seeing is the consistent experience you get on all platforms like web app, macOS and the iPad layout as well.

    We will certainly continue to improve the UI as it is now, reduce whitespace as much as we can but that compact/dense interface option is far away.

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