chrome extension problems


On windows 10 I updated from 1password v4 (dropbox) to v6 (for families). I also deleted and reinstalled the Chrome and the Chrome extension. The extension shows the correct list of logins from my families account but when I select a login from the list Chrome takes me to a page called: chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk and the only content on the page is a sad paper icon with the text:
Your file was not found
It may have been moved or deleted.

1Password Version: 6.2.333d
Extension Version:
OS Version: windows 10
Sync Type: families


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @konig72,

    Thank you for reaching out! I am sorry you bumped into troubles with 1Password extension.

    First of all, could you please specify, have you uninstalled 1Password 4 from your Windows PC?

    As for the extension... Do you have any content blocking tool that might be blocking 1Password extension from working? If yes, please whitelist the chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk address if you see it.

    If not, can you first try disabling all extensions in Chrome except for 1Password, restart Chrome, and see if the extension will then open sites for you.

    Let us know if it works. Thank you!


  • konig72
    Community Member

    Hi Greg. Thanks for the response.

    1Password 4 isn't on the computer anymore. I uninstalled it after installing v6. I've searched windows for agilebits and 1Password. I didn't see anything that looked like v4 in the results. But then I really don't know what to look for. There are't 1Password or Agilebits folders in either of the program files folders. There are some folders in appdata but nothing that says v4.

    I removed Adblock from Chrome, cleared all Chrome history categories, uninstalled the extension, rebooted windows, and reinstalled the extension.

    I still get the same "file not found" error on any item I try to open from the extension.

    I can open 1Password and click on an address from the item in 1Password, once the page opens in Chrome I can use the extension to autofill the login and password fields in Chrome. It's weird that it works that way but the extension won't open the page directly.

    I have the same problems on my other windows 10 machine. At least I'm consistent :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @konig72: It sounds like you told Chrome at some point not to open 1Password links for some reason, so it's ignoring them. Please do the following:

    1. Remove the 1Password extension from Chrome
    2. Update Chrome completely
    3. Uninstall 1Password and install a fresh copy
    4. Restart Windows
    5. Install the 1Password extension

    I hope this helps. Please let me know how it turns out! :)

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