1Password and storing the keychain/backups in OwnCloud?


Hi, since there's no topic group specifically for this kind of question, I hope it's ok that I ask here.

I would like to sync via OwnCloud.

No, I will not trust DropBox, iCloud or any "other people's computers" cloud solution - I don't have to.

So I moved my 1password directory from my "Documents" folder (PC) to my OwnCloud sync folder.

Now I get messages from 1password that it can't create backups - there may be problems with the permissions.

Is there a chance of making 1Password Owncloud friendly? (There are two cloud solutions that are open to Joe Regular that aren't defined as OtherPeople'sComputers™ and both ought to be supported :) )


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: OwnCloud


  • Hi @WhiteFang,

    In the case of desktops (Macs and PCs), Owncloud should be relatively supported in general. Can you tell me which version of 1Password you're using on your PC? The instructions for how to get it to work will differ between versions. I would recommend that for the time being you move the directory that you moved back to where it belongs.


  • WhiteFang
    Community Member


    OwnCloud is version 2.2.4 ( client ) and 9.1.0-1.1 ( server )
    1Password is version

    Since I use 1Password on 5 distinct machines ( My MBP, My W10 Laptop, My W10 Desktop, My Surface Pro and my Android Phone, not having it synced would be a lackluster. Currently I'm only synchronizing four of these (not the MBP to avoid Macomplications) and if I recall, I remember seeing the error so far on only one machine (although I can't be sure - I'll make a note of it when and where the message appears).

    The question really should be - could 1Password be set to not back up if another client already backed up the database?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The question really should be - could 1Password be set to not back up if another client already backed up the database?

    @WhiteFang: No. The backup files 1Password creates are what you should be backing up, so that you can restore in the future if needed. To be clear, AgileBits doesn't support 3rd party software and services of any kind so you may need to contact them for assistance sorting out permissions issues. But 1Password just needs to be able to have read/write access to its data and you should be good to go. The rest is up to you. :)

  • bchabot
    Community Member

    I'm also very very interesting in having 1Password ownCloud friendly :-)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    We don't currently have any plans to add additional sync options, but thank for letting us know! :)

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