For Family Use two separate accounts in win10



I created Family "Account-1" - this is main account with few shared vaults. This "Account-1" has "pass-1".
After I invite my wife to one vault and created "Account-2" for her. This "Account-2" use different password - "pass-2"

We would like to work on the same machine, but with different accounts. How can we use to different accounts at the same time?
Windows 10.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Aleksandr
    Community Member
    edited January 2017

    How can I quick switch between this two accounts?

  • Hi @Aleksandr,

    Thanks for writing in. When you said you want to use different accounts, do you mean two separate Windows accounts or multiple accounts in 1Password app in the same Windows account?

    If the latter, 1Password does not support using multiple accounts from same plan in the same app yet. There are technical limitations we have to deal with first before we could consider supporting this but we do know a lot of families want to do this on family machines.

  • Aleksandr
    Community Member


    Yes, I'd like to use the same Microsoft acc the same app but with two different 1pw accounts. Basically I'd like to use to different passwords at the same browser window on the same page. It's depend who login to this page, me or my wife. Is it a way how can 1PW may recognize two different passwords for myself and my wife? How can we login now?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Aleksandr: The 1Password app doesn't have a concept of multiple users, as this is built into Windows itself. So the best solution would be to use separate Windows user accounts, and then you can each have your own 1Password, browser, and personal settings. This is also the most secure. Alternatively, if you only need to "switch" occasionally, you could have one of you setup to use the app, while the other could login to in the browser to access their data if needed. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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