Does not work on


I have Windows 10, and the latest versions of 1password, chrome, and firefox. I have a 1password link for my yahoo mail, and it works fine from the plugin 1n chrome and firefox - but ONLY if I am not on the main yahoo site. As is my home page, this is an issue.

In other words, if I go to, and click on my 1password yahoo mail link from within the browser, it does ... nothing. It works fine if I am currently on any other web site. Also, the other links work fine when I am on the site; for example, I can click on my amazon link and it works perfectly. If I am on the amazon website I can click on my yahoo mail link and it works perfectly. From the windows app, I can click on my yahoo mail link and it works perfect. But with either chrome or firefox, if I am currently on the site, clicking on the link from the plugin has no effect.

If it helps, the is the website link stored in my 1password yahoo mail link:

Thanks for your help.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @babbchuck: I think the problem is that does not have a login form, so 1Password cannot fill it -- ergo, nothing happens.

    If you're at another website entirely and select your Yahoo login, 1Password will open the URL you have saved, such as

    But when you're already at, 1Password recognizes this as a match for the login you've selected, so it tries to fill for you. If it didn't, then when there was a login form present, 1Password wouldn't be filling that either.

    On the Yahoo site, there's a link to go to the login page. 1Password can't do things like click links for you, but if you open it yourself, then a quick Ctrl \ should allow 1Password to fill it for you easily.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • babbchuck
    Community Member

    Thanks for the prompt reply, Brenty. The ctrl \ trick works. BTW, it works even though several family members share the same windows login, but have different yahoo accounts - the ctrl \ pulls up a list of the yahoo logins we can choose from.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yep! That's why I love it too. I think the keyboard shortcut may be my single most used "feature" of 1Password. And certainly if you're using a shared vault with multiple family members' logins, that can work too. I just didn't want to take that for granted, since not everyone wants to do that. Cheers! :chuffed:

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