Migrate 1password.com data back into 1Password 4 standalone app.


I started using the 1password.com account a couple weeks ago, and have reluctantly decided to switch back to 1Password 4 standalone. The Windows version shows potential, but is not quite ready for what I'm used to. Since switching, I've made additions/changes to my 1password.com account. so what is the best way of getting my .opvault current?

1Password for Windows 6 doesn't seem to export to a recognizable format. It's not delimited, and I can't figure out how to export to .1PIF.

It won't be too hard to manually copy the changes into my old .opvault, but I'm wondering if there's a better way. More importantly, are better export options coming, if they aren't already available? When people ask me about password programs, I always strongly recommend NOT to use RoboForm because they lock you into their program by not allowing you to easily export your data.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @dbarbee,

    We are working really hard to improve 1Password 6 and I am sorry to hear you want to go back to 1Password 4. :(

    However, with this in mind, we have no interest in locking your data in 1Password – your data belongs to you and you can export it even if your account is frozen. At the moment, you can export your items from 1Password 6 in .CSV and then import that file to 1Password 4. Could you please specify what difficulties with it you have now?

    You can also use @MrC 's converter scripts to convert the CSV to 1PIF if you are running into any issues with that.

    I hope we will have a better option for you soon. Exporting to .1PIF is surely coming to 1Password 6, but it takes time, and I hope for your understanding here.

    Please let me know how it goes. We are here to help. Thank you!


  • dbarbee
    Community Member
    edited January 2017

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for your response!

    I figured the export issue out. I was attempting to export to .txt, thinking it was a delimited file. I hadn't attempted the .csv export until now, which works!

    I also figured out many of the issues I was having were caused by having 1Password 4 AND 6 installed. 1Password Mini would be version 6 when I booted up, and at some point it would switch to version 4, and I wasn't paying enough attention to which version had most recently installed itself in my browser.

    I'll give 1Password 6 another try, and remove version 4 from my OS. Most of the other issues evident with 1Password 6 are superficial, and removing version 4 should resolve my frustrations.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @dbarbee: You are very welcome! :chuffed:

    Thank you for giving 1Password 6 another try. You are right, if you have 1Password 6 and 1Password 4 installed at the same time, they compete for the browser extension attention. Please let us know how it goes with 1Password 6 and share your experience. Thank you!


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