White Screen running Windows 10

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

Well, I installed one password windows teams successfully yesterday on my new laptop. Today when I try opening 1password it opens a white screen (I can tell when I hover over application icon on the bottom). My chrome add in works fine. Not sure what happened between yesterday and today. I've tried logging out and restarting the laptop. Any help would be much appreciated!! I'm on the most recent release posted on the website and running windows 10 pro 64bit (not sure how to find the exact version.)

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro 64bit
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited January 2017

    Hi @Kurtlykins,

    Thanks for writing in.

    Do you by any chance have Riva Tuner or nVidia's software installed on your PC? Is there a non-standard control on the 1Password's titlebar?

  • Kurtlykins
    Community Member

    I don't believe I have either one of those software apps running. Title bar is just the lock symbol and 1Password 6.

  • Kurtlykins
    Community Member

    Well. I did stumble across what I had changed -- I use two monitors (laptop and external). If I make my main screen the external, I get the white screen. If I have my laptop monitor as the main screen -- 1Password works as expected. So, I am able to work, but this seems crazy.

  • Hi @Kurtlykins,

    That is strange, are you using any tools to manage multiple monitors? Some apps add a custom control to move apps between monitors and that can create graphical glitches in 1Password.

  • Kurtlykins
    Community Member

    Nope, I haven't installed anything for monitor control - just using the standard windows applications. It's a brand new Dell Latitude 5580.

  • Hi @kurtlykins,

    Can you email us the logs from Windows' Event Viewer when it is showing the white screen, we'd like to see if there are any errors being caught.

    1. Click on Start Menu, search for Event Viewer and open it
    2. On the left sidebar, expand Custom Views on the top and then click on Administrative Events
    3. Reproduce the issue with 1Password
    4. Go back to the Event Viewer, right-click on the list to refresh. You should see errors from the source .NET Runtime. Right-click on the error to select Copy > Copy Details as text.
    5. Paste it into a new text file with NotePad, save it and attach it to an email, send that email to us at support+windows@agilebits.com along with your forum username and the link to this thread, so we can connect the dots.

    Please let us know here when you sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.


  • Kurtlykins
    Community Member

    Well, now I cannot reproduce the issue. If it happens again, I will capture the log and send it your way. Drives me crazy when things just start working and I cannot figure out why (although when I switched main monitor earlier, it changed the 1Password behavior.) Until then, thank you for your time -- you have a great product that my company relies on!

  • Hi @Kurtlykins,

    It drives us nuts too, some of our developers and our CS/QA teams are bald precisely because of this. :sarcastic:

    I'm glad you and your company are liking our products so far, we can't wait to show you guys more of what we have planned for 2017. If there's anything we can do, please reach out to us any time.

This discussion has been closed.