Is 1Password creating an encrypted file in Windows?


After installing the updated version on my Windows machine, I had a popup about exporting a key for an encrypted file. Not sure if this is something from 1Password or not. Anyway, I told it OK, export the key, and it said it did, but it never asked me where to put the key so I have no idea where it is.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: NA
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:1Password Windows Encryption


  • Hi @larea,

    Thanks for contacting us about this. 1Password will indeed store file secured with Windows Encrypted File System on your hard drive. It does so in two situations:
    1. You connect the 1Password browser extension in Firefox, Chrome, or Opera to 1Password 6.
    2. You download a document from your account and open it locally.

    You might want to check your documents folder, the downloads folder and the desktop for a file that looks like it's related to the Encrypting File System or appears to be a certificate (you can check in the file properties).
    If you haven't backed it up or can't find the certificate, please follow these instructions to export it.

    Once exported, you should upload it to your account within 1Password 6 to keep the key safe.



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