

I have 1password on my iPad, iMac and laptops. On my iMac - I just updated to1Password 6 Version 6.6.2 (662005) On my iPad - think I have 1 Password5. I am able to sync between these - no problem.

However my Laptop is 1Password4 and it appears the only way to sync is a wifi sync - but my iPad and iMac don't have that as options. Only iCloud. What do I do?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:synching. I have 1password on my iPad, iMac and laptops. On my iMac - I just updated to1Password 6 Version 6.6.2 (662005) On my iPad - think I have 1 Password5. I am able to sync between these - no problem. However my Laptop is 1Password4 and it appears the only way to sync is a wifi sync - but my iPad and iMac don't have that as options. Only iCloud. What do I do?


  • MikeT

    Hi @rmhansell,

    Thanks for writing in.

    iCloud sync in 1Password is limited to Apple's platforms, macOS and iOS only.

    Wi-Fi sync is limited to one computer to multiple devices.

    The easiest solution to sync across platforms is our service where we'll handle this for you and you won't have to deal with any sync, backup or vault sharing, you'll just have to sign in and 1Password will have your data ready automatically for you. You can find out more here:

    The other option where you handle the sync manually, is to use Dropbox.

  • rmhansell
    Community Member

    So can I first sync up using my Mac and iPad via iCloud sync or Dropbox (and I know I can do that) Then sync up my laptop to one of those using wi-fi? (I am restricted on my laptop from using dropbox on it)

  • MikeT

    Hi @rmhansell,

    You may be able to do that yes but it is not a supported configuration. You will have a high risk of sync conflicts and item duplicates but you can do this and you need to back up your 1Password data all the time. The problem is that as you switch between sync option on your mobile devices, the sync state is reset and you have to do a full sync each time you switch. The way the sync works between iCloud/Dropbox and Wi-Fi is radically different, so that's why it won't be perfect.

    Also, your work network may be blocking bonjour traffic for the WLAN sync, we've heard from a lot of users that at work, they cannot use WLAN sync either.

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