How to share entire keychain with each spouse
I have 1Password for Windows 4.x (Family License). My spouse and I both have 1PW set up on our PCs and sync to individual Dropbox accounts. How can I share my keychain with spouse and vice versa?
1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:I have 1Password for Windows (Family License). how do i share my keychain with spouse.
Hi @debmcclennen,
Thanks for writing in.
If you guys are using separate accounts, what you can do is share the 1Password folder in your account with her. Dropbox will then sync the folder to both accounts. Configure 1Password to open that folder directly.
In case you are not aware, we now have Families to take care of this for you automatically. You can find out more here: