0 Vault in Windows 10, fine in iOS or browser


Since updating to the version posted 2 weeks ago, my vault has been empty 0 items in Windows. The vault is fine in other apps and on the web. I can create a new entry in Windows and it does save to the vault, but I still cannot see it or anything else.

I WIPED my machine and tried with a brand new install and the result is the same so it must be something in the app or in my account.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi there @testdevprod,

    I am sorry to hear you bumped into troubles with 1Password! We are here to help.

    I'd like to ask you to do the following:

    1) Sign in to your account at 1Password.com in the browser and make sure that all of your data is there in your account.
    2) If it is, then close 1Password 6 app if it is running by right-clicking on the 1Password icon in the notification area to select "Exit"
    3) Open Windows File Explorer and enter the following in the address bar: %LOCALAPPDATA%\1Password
    4) Rename "data" folder to "old-data"
    5) Open 1Password and proceed to signing into your 1Password account.

    Let us know if it works for your after that. Thanks in advance!


  • MikeT

    Hi @testdevprod,

    Are you using 1Password Families or Teams? If yes, are you the owner? If not, ask your owner to make sure your 1Password account is not pending. If it is, there's a bug in 1Password 6 where it won't show anything while your account is pending.

    We've fixed this already in 1Password 6.5 Beta 3 but for now, you should contact your owner to confirm your account.

  • testdevprod
    Community Member

    It's a family account. I'll have to have him check the pending part, but i can access it fine from other devices.

    I wiped local data many times, reinstalled the latest beta and no difference. Can you email me and I'll send you my account details to confirm.

  • MikeT

    Hi @testdevprod,

    Is the email address up to date in your forum's profile? I've checked for that in our system, it doesn't exist. You can email us at support+windows@agilebits.com with the info. Can you also include the link to this thread in the email, so we can connect the dots and you don't have to repeat everything from this thread.


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