I signed in from 1Password for Windows, and all the entries say "loading..."


I had signed up for a trial account. Then I deleted it to try Families. Signed into the new one, which has some login entries for. This is on Windows desktop BTW. When it opened, there was some error (disappeared too quickly to remember the message). Now all my entries (~70) are listed, but none of them have any text! They are listed as "loading...", like 70 of them. When I click on them, nothing shows up in the right side. Also, the Family Name is shown properly, but none of the vaults beneath it show anything (there are 3). They're all blank but I can click them. Help!

1Password Version: 6.4.377d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Account
Referrer: forum-search:loading


  • tralston
    Community Member

    I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling the software, and it worked. It took a while for it to download the real names of my logins, but it's ok now.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tralston,

    I am sorry for the troubles with 1Password 6 for Windows! I am glad to hear you've figured it out. If you ever bump into this issue again, please share a diagnostics report from your PC. We have a guide on how you can do that on our website. Attach the Diagnostics Report to an email message addressed to support+windows@agilebits.com and we will take a look at what is going on. :)

    If you have any other questions, we are here to help. Thanks!


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