Copy/Delete Behavior & Back Function


I just upgraded from a stand-alone license to a account, and thought this would be a good opportunity to do some housekeeping in my vault.

I'm going through a process of moving items between vaults, which involves copying and then deleting. However, the 1Password behavior when copying or deleting an item seems counter intuitive to me. If you copy to another vault, it sends you to that vault, and you lose where you were with no path back. If you delete an item, you get sent back to the application's default state. Inconvenient.

For example, I search for my work email address and see all of my work accounts. Great! Okay, I want to move items to my new work vault I've created. Select an item > right click > copy > select vault > then I'm sent to the vault, and stuck there. So I have to change vaults, search again, find the record, then delete it. And then it all resets again. :|

Please consider making the behavior more like a file explorer in Windows or OS X. You don't get dragged along with files and folders when you delete them or send them to other locations.

The copy function I can see being a debate, but the delete behavior just seems wrong.

However, you don't have to do anything about any of those problems if you don't want to. The solution is to add a back function! Click the back button, return to the previous filter state. Simple :chuffed:

1Password Version: 6.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type:


  • MikeT

    Hi @Jables,

    Thanks for writing in.

    This is a known UI issue related to the fall-back database reload call after you do something. We're working on refactoring the internal subsystems to reduce its reliance on updating the database all the time and once we are done with this, we'll be able to handle the events properly to ensure you stay in the same view after specific actions like moving, copying, and deleting.

    You are correct, it should be in the same view but the app is a bit overaggressive about reloading the database all the time and resetting its view. You can expect less of this in the 1Password 6.5 that is already out since yesterday and more updates coming soon to improve this.

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